Chapter 6

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"Where do you live, Angel?", Mr. Murder asked as he drove onto another the street. I just gave him a small glare and said nothing. Because not only do I hate him, but we've been driving for hours! And I know that it doesn't take THIS long to get to Point A to Point B!! IT'S LITERALLY NIGHT TIME!

"Fuck you, asshole."

"It's Alex. I wouldn't mind fucking you"

"I would rather fuck Pinocchio", I said with a small frown.

I heard him let out a growl before swerving the car around. I held onto the door as he turned and I punched his arm as he continued to drive.



Okay I know I'm being dramatic, but come on. Who the fuck just swerves their car around on purpose?

"Listen , I need to know where you live so I can drop you off safely at your house. So why don't you shut up and tell me where we need to go, Angel"

"Well, I would rather walk home, you dumbass! And stop calling me Angel!"

All of a sudden, I felt the car lurch forward and my head almost hit the glove compartment. The car started spin around and I looked towards Alex, who was trying to get the car in control. He was moving the gear stick up and down as he spun the wheel. We finally got the car in control and it came to a stop, both of us panting heavily. Alex looked at me and let go of the wheel.

"You okay, Angel?", he asks. I nodded and he let out a sigh of relief before getting out of the car. I started to get out of the car but Alex told me to stay inside. I huffed and crossed my arms as he stood outside, seeming pretty calm.

How can he be so calm about this?! We literally just got in a car crash!

I looked out of the window to see Alex taking out his phone. He exchanged a few words the phone before hanging up. He leaned against the head of the car and I opened the door, walking towards him. When I reached him, he was looking at the sky.

"I thought I told you to stay inside", he said with a sigh. I crossed my arms across my chest and shook my head.

"Well, I honestly don't care about what you say and you don't control me, asshole", I replied. I turned to go to look at the damage of the rear, but was stopped by Alex's voice.

"Just get back in the fucking car!"

"Make me", I challenged.

Big Mistake.

Alex looked at me with a murderous look and grabbed my wrist, forcing me to the passenger door. But instead of pushing me in, he slammed me against it. I winced at the pain on my back and he let out a dark chuckle.

One of his hands was pushing me against the car and his other was raised into the air, making me flinch and turn away quickly. I let out a small whimper and I felt Alex's grip slowly soften.

I turned back to look at him, and I saw that his hand was no longer on me but both palms were on each side of my body on the car. But what took me off guard was his expression. Instead of the hard glare, it was replaced with a blank face.

Alex looked into my brown eyes as I looked into his. They were dark yet filed with mixed emotions.

Anger, Confusion, Worry, and Lust....... Wait a minute.... LUST!?

He pulled his gaze away from my eyes and they went to my lips. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip as well as biting it.

DAMN, Just when I thought he couldn't get anymore attractive, HE JUST DID!

Then he started to lean closer and closer to the point where I could feel his breath on me. It sent shivers down my spine and that funny feeling came back. I don't know what came over me but I felt myself standing on the tip of my toes to get closer to him.

But our moment was ruined by two loud car honks, making Alex and I come to our senses and we backed away from each other...well he backed away. As Alex walked over to whoever was in the now parked cars, I looked at my feet, feeling dazed about what happened.





"Angel? Earth to Angel"

"H-Huh? Y-Yes?"

I quickly looked back up to see Alex and a very extremely attractive Asian guy. His hair was disheveled and he looked as if he was sleeping just an hour ago. He wore a dark grey v- neck along with some black joggers.

Like I said, he was extremely attractive but not as attractive as Alex.... Wait what?

"I said that I'm gonna have him take you home since I have to run some errands."

"O-Oh okay! T-That's cool!"

Alex and Asian guy walked back to Asian guy's car and Alex opened the passenger door to let me in. But before I could get in, I felt Alex's hand grasp onto my wrist and he pulled me in an embrace.

Wait minute, I'm confused.

Just a few minutes ago, we were at each other's throats, then we almost kissed, and now we're hugging?

"I'm sorry", he whispered before pushing me into the car and slammed the door shut.

"Make sure she gets home safe. I don't want anything to happen to her"

The Asian guy nodded and said something to Alex, while laughing. Alex had a scowl on his face and flipped him off. Asian guy came to the drivers door and got in the car. I looked over at the window, wanting to sleep. But a voice woke me up from my almost slumber.

"So you're the girl who slapped my best friend, huh?"

I gave him a weird look.

"Yeah..", I say unsurely, raising my eyebrow at him. Asian guy stared at me with an unreadable expression and I stared back at him with a blank stare. What the fuck is this guy trying to do?

Is he trying to intimidate me?

Suddenly, he broke into a grin and grabbed my hands, making me even more confused.

"That's awesome! Finally, someone decides to put that idiot in his place. You are my lord and savior", he gushes and I just stare at him.

"Uhhhh your welcome I guess?"

"Oh sorry that I didn't introduce myself. I'm Brandon Woods. What's yours", he asks as he lets go of my hands. He turns back to the wheel and puts his key into the ignition as I answer his question.

"Ivy Martin"

"Cool name, Ivy . It suits you! Now let's get you home", he says while giving me a small smile. He turns on his car, making the engine roar to life. Brandon seems like a cool guy, unlike a certain someone, which was a good sign for me. I smiled at him as we started to drive away, but looking out of the window, I noticed Alex's jaw was clenched and his hands were turned into fists.

His brown eyes returned to their dull and lifeless gaze just like yesterday and I felt my heart tighten as he started to slowly disappear from my line of sight.

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