Chapter 34 (Part 2)

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A/N: HEY GUYS! So I logged onto Wattpad to find that this story almost has 1K reads?! OMG! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM! EVEN IF IT'S JUST THE SAME PEOPLE READING IT, THANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH! If I could I would give each and every one of you guys a hug and a cookie! Omg! Also, the romance will start soon! I know that some of you readers are kinda getting sick of the main characters fighting, but it will change soon I promise! Enjoy the chapter! 


I stared at the stars and the wolf moved closer. 

I couldn't be in love with Alex. He's dangerous and an asswipe. 

But you can't help the pull, Ivy

What pull?

The connection you have with him. It's fate. We are bound to him. 

Well, fate can go fuck itself. 


Did you just-

Yes I did. 

"Ivy? You okay there?", the wolf's voice took me out of my mental argument and I stared at him in bewilderment. Realizing the situation I was in, I let out a laugh and fell onto my back. 

"You seemed deep in thought after what I said. Did you just now realize your feelings for this.. jerk?", he asked as he laid down onto the grass. I nodded and he let out a sigh. We both just stared at the stars for a moment. Me, wondering if being with Alex will be good for me. Him, probably thinking I'm crazy. 

"But how can I love someone when I know nothing about him and he knows nothing about me," I wondered out loud. The wolf's ears perked up at the sound of my voice and he lifted his head. 

"I mean, the only thing I know about him is that he has a sister, two amazing guardians, two best friends who will do anything for him but will do something when he fucks up, and that's about it. But other than that, I know nothing about him", I confessed and turned my gaze to the wolf. 

"Hell, I don't even know your name either and yet I'm telling you all this",

The wolf looked down at his front paws, as if debating whether or not he should say anything. I rolled my eyes playfully and threw a handful of grass at him. 

"I did't mean it like that", I said. 


"What?" I gave him a confused look. 

"My name is Elias."

Elias? Why does that name sound familiar?

"We all have our secrets, Ivy. Maybe he just doesn't want to tell you his"

"Well, from what I know, you're right. Plus, he wouldn't want to be with me anyway"

"Why do you say that?", Elias looked at me with a hard stare that could make anyone cower in fear, but I just shrugged it off. 

"Like I said earlier, he seemed pretty happy with that hoe-bag. And, I'm positive that his life was just perfect before he had to take me and my mom in. He just hates me and acts like I'm a burden", I replied. Elias's hard stare softened and looked down again. He stared at the ground for a good minute before looking up again. 

"You're not a burden to him. If he chose to take you and your mother in, it means he cares", he said. I huffed out in annoyance. 

"He sure does have a funny way of showing it.", I replied before letting out a big yawn. I started to get up and so did Elias. But as I stood up, I almost fell over due to my tired being. 

"Get on my back. I'll walk you home", he stated as I stood up again. I shook my head and was about to say a remark, but was cut off by Elias. 

"It's late and dangerous. I don't want you to fall asleep out here. Get on", I frowned and slowly got onto his back. It felt weird, sitting on a wolf with no harness. But before I could even say a word, Elias started to head into the direction I came from. We passed through trees, brushes, ponds and bushes before Alex's house started to come into view. He stopped a few yards away before I got off. I placed my hand on his head, rubbing his soft fur as a thank you. 

"Trust me. He cares", he said as he nuzzled into my hand. I shrugged. 

"I'll believe it when I see it". Elias looked at me with adoration and guilt as he suddenly stood up on his hind legs. He placed his front paws on my chest as he licked my cheek before falling back down on his front paws.  

"Goodnight, Ivy", 

I smiled and waved as he turned away and ran back into the forest. 

Maybe.. I'll give Alex a chance..

 Turning around, I continued walking back to Alex's house. But not even a minute later, I see a figure running towards me. I wasn't scared because from the lack of a shirt, I knew instantly who it was. 

"Where did you go?", he demanded in a cold voice. Ignoring the sweat droplets on his chest, I walked right passed him. 

"I was out. I needed to clear my head", I replied in a calm voice. 

"For 3 hours? Yeah right", He scoffed, making me roll my eyes. I ignored him and pulled the backyard door open, stepping inside. 

Whatever I said before, I take that back.

"Gee, Alex. I didn't think I had a fucking curfew", I spat before going up the stairs with Alex still following me. 

"When you're busy whoring around, why don't you just text me when you'll be back so that way I don't have to wait up for you"

Excuse me?!  

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around slowly. Alex's glare grew colder and my patience was growing thin. I moved closer to Alex and took a deep breath.

"Listen here, you asshole. I don't have my phone because I fucking broke it when you were fucking some bitch. You have the fucking audacity to call me a whore?

Let me tell you this; if you're looking for a whore, then I suggest that you look in the god damn fucking mirror! Because if ANYONE is being a whore in this house, IT'S YOU!"

Alex's face contorted into a look filled with hurt, but I didn't care. 

This was his fault. 

He brought this onto himself. 

"I despise you, Alex Castronova. Stay away from me"

I immediately turned around and opened my bedroom door, before slamming it shut behind me. 

Elias was wrong. He doesn't care. He never will. 

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