Chapter 37

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Who is that?




As I opened my eyes to a blinding light being shown at my face, I slowly got up from where I was laying. I rubbed my eyes to shake off the sleepiness and took in my surroundings.

I was in a field, much like the one from where I met Elias. But this time, instead of seeing Elias, there was a couple standing a few feet away from me. The man held the woman in a tight and loving embrace. He leaned closer to whisper something in her ear and she let out a laugh before lightly smacking him away. He gave out a chuckle and bent down beside him to turn on his phone. A soft melody started to play and he reached out his hand. 

She gladly took his hand into hers and he pulled her close, slowly dancing to the music. They gazed at each other with so much love and affection, I didn't realize that the women dancing with her lover was me.

But she was different from me. She was happy. She was radiant. She was strong. She forgave herself.

She looked over my way and her eyes widened. The two stopped dancing and the man turned around as well, my eyes widening.

It was Alex.

Then just as they saw me, they disappeared and in place of them, there was a small white wolf standing in front of me. It was beautiful. The wolf's fur was crystal white, not a hint of dirt or muck was on it. It's piercing gold eyes had nothing but tenderness and concern.

"Ivy, I don't have much time. But I just want you to know that it wasn't your fault. Nathan's death wasn't your fault. What he did to you is unforgivable, but I know you can pull through", the wolf said. Her voice sounded surprisingly familiar, yet I had no idea why.

A loud chime echoed, making both me and the white wolf look up at the sky. She looked back at me with sad eyes.

"Stop shutting people out. Let Alex in. Let him protect you", she said before she disappeared from my very eyes.

What was that?


"Sweetheart", I heard my mother's voice. I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my arms to wipe away the sleepiness from my eyes. Layla and my mother were standing next to me and my mom had her hand on my shoulder, a look of concern showed on her face.

"Ivy, honey, why were you crying?" Layla wondered.


"You were crying in your sleep again", my mother trailed off, knowing why. I shook my head at her and held her hand.

"Mom, it wasn't that this time. It was.. something different", I told her with a small smile.

"What do you mean 'something different'?" My mom looked at me with a shocked look on her face. I then told her what happened in my dream. She and Layla was stunned, but they had a soft smile.

"So the wolf told you to let him in?", she questioned. I nodded and looked down at my hands.

"Do you want him to?"

That was the problem. Did I want him to? Did I want to let him in? A boy who has done nothing but make me confused. Should I let him in?

"I don't know, mom. I mean, it's no surprise that I kinda like him. But he knows nothing and I don't want him to get hurt..", I replied. My mom nodded, understanding from where I was coming from.

"He may not know what happened. But he can protect himself. Better yet, I know that he can also protect you. You may not see it, but he loves you very much. He just won't accept the fact that he is capable of loving someone", Layla explains as she sits on the bed.

"I know that he may seem cold and rude at first. And I'm sorry on how Alex's behavior has been lately. But trust me when I say this; Alex can and will protect you with his life. You are his whole world and will stop at nothing to make sure that you are safe. I know that you have given him so many chances, dear. But give him one more. I have a feeling that this time, he'll do you right", She continued and patted my leg. My mom smiled, agreeing with Layla.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation and my mom answered before I can.


"I-Is Ivy awake?", a small voice came from the other side. I immediately smiled and Layla shook her head before opening the door. Standing in the doorway was Dylan. He had his hair in a cute slick-back style and was wearing a suit and tie. He looked like a mini James Bond.

He was struggling to hold onto a wrapped box and a small bouquet of white peonies. Layla bent down to lift the gift from his hands, but instead he swatted her hand away. He then placed both the bouquet and gift on the floor before picking up the bouquet, puffing up his chest while doing so.

"Dylan? What are you doing here?" His mother asked as she tried not to laugh at his posture. Dylan ignored his mom before clearing his throat.

"I have a message from Alpha Castronova! Princess I-Ivy Martin is to accompany the Alpha on a date this evening at 8 pm!", he said before trotting over to my bed and holding out the peonies to me. I gladly accepted them in confusion before looking at Dylan running back out, picking up the gift and placing it on my bed. He did a tiny salute to me and grabbed Layla's and my mom's hand, trying to drag them out. Layla gave me a small apologetic look and my mom did nothing but laugh before closing the door.

What the heck just happened?

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