Chapter 5

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Walking back to my classroom seemed to be taking forever. As luck may have it, when I left the room, the bell decided to ring and now, there was a horde of students walking and lurking around the halls.

"God fucking damn it," I mumbled to no one in particular.

By the time I made it to my English class, I was sweating bullets.

Does this school not have any air conditioning? Jesus Christ.

Students were piling out of the classroom and now I had to wait. I could just leave and not give a shit, but unlike many people in this school, I care about passing high school. So I just stood outside and waited for the classroom doorway to be empty.

I finally got what I needed after 10 minutes of talking to my teacher, making up an excuse as to why I didn't show up to class and that I came to see what my homework was. I headed towards my locker to grab the necessary textbook for the night in resentment.

The thing about group assignments is that it requires a group effort and teamwork, but not in my case. According to my teacher, my partner barely shows up to school and if he does, then he doesn't do shit.

So I basically have to do it all by myself.

I let out an irritated groan before slamming the stupid locker shut

"What did that locker ever do to you?"

Does this guy not get a fucking hint?

I let out a sigh and turned around to see the jock from yesterday along with a few other athletes. Not much of a surprise. Guys like him want to repair their damaged ego and his groupies behind him are the witnesses.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone, asshole", I say, not really giving a shit about his answer. I started walking towards the exit and whoop de do, they follow.

"I didn't like how you nearly knocked me over yesterday". I had to stop myself from laughing. Nearly knocked over? Puh-lease I knocked him all the way to Canada.


"I want an apology", he demands.

Pfft, an apology?

"No", my answer seemed to shock him for a bit. Since the sound of his footsteps stopped from behind me.

"What do you mean no", I heard him growl. I rolled my eyes before turning back to look at him. His face waster and no longer playful. Good, I'm glad I'm pissing him off. It's my fucking super power. I started walking back to him and when I finally reached him, his buddies took a step back.

Fucking pussies.

Let's fuck with their leader for a bit.

I looked at him dead in the eye and flashed him a small smile. His eyes widened with shock as I moved closer to him. I put my hand on his chest and I can feel his heartbeat quicken.

Almost there.

"What was your name again" I ask in a sweet voice as I started to move my hand slowly to his torso. I was almost disgusted on how easy it was to seduce him.

"Nick. But you can call me Daddy, baby girl", he whispers as my face goes closer to his. I had to stop myself from cringing because that's fucking disgusting on how he just admitted that he has a Daddy kink.

Just a little bit longer, Ivy.

I stood on my tip toes and my lips neared his ear. My breath hit his neck and I heard him shudder as he placed his hand softly on my hip.

Okay too far.

Instead of doing what he thought I was going to do, I reached up and grabbed him by his ear, pulling him down to my height.

"OW! LET GO, YOU FUCKING BITCH", he screamed in pain, the guys behind him immediately stepping forward. I glared at them and their eyes widened in fear.

"No means no, fucktard. I would rather go to hell and apologize to Satan than apologize to someone who doesn't deserve it", I whispered harshly into his ear before letting go of his ear and  kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. He slowly fell on the floor, covering his crotch and groaned in pain.

He looked up at me for a bit and growled. Like actually growled. His eyes flashed red, wiping off the smirk on my face.

Fuck my life.

"GET HER!!!", He shouted at his buddies, all of them springing into action.

"Gotta blast!", I shouted before running down the hallway. Thankfully, I'm much faster than those jocks and I made it outside before they did. Just when I thought I got away, guess who was waiting outside.

Mr. "I-Will-Make-Your-Life-A-Living-Hell" was leaning against his 2019 Lexus RC, looking at me with a small smirk.

What is it with people and smirking today?

"Need a ride, Angel?" He opened his car door and waited for me to get inside. I gave him a weird look and he pointed towards the school. I turned around to find Nick's cronies coming this way. I gulped and turned back to face Mr. "I-Will-Make-Your-Life-A-Living-Hell" . He motioned for me to get in and I hesitated.

Do I really want to get in a car with a person that I despise and might murder me?

Well, if it beats getting pummeled by a group of jocks, then yes!

It only took me a few seconds before running toward his and sitting on the car seat. Mr. "I-Will-Make-Your-Life-A-Living-Hell"  let out a chuckle and closed the door, rushing to the driver's seat. I looked out the window and saw Nick and his cronies storming over to the car. 

But before he could come up to the door, Mr. "I-Will-Make-Your-Life-A-Living-Hell" turned on the ignition, the engine roaring to life, drove us out of the school and left them in the dust.

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