Chapter 51

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"Alex wake up"

I am awake

"Alex please!!"

Ivy? What's wrong?

"Alexander Castronova! For the love of god, please wake up!!"

I'm trying, angel! I am!

I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by a white light. Once my eyes fully adjusted, I looked at my surroundings. I was in the meadow where Ivy met Elias. The flowers were in bloom and the sky was awake.

But it felt different.

Fear had started to grow inside my chest and suddenly, this safe haven for Ivy and I no longer felt safe. The atmosphere started to change as the fear grew heavier. The flowers wilted and the sky grew dark.

What the hell is going on?!

Suddenly, a loud scream pierced through the air and my eyes widened. It was Ivy's scream. I started running. I don't know where I'm going. All I know was that Ivy was in danger.

I ran faster and faster through the dying meadow, but it felt like I barely moved at all. The meadow was so huge. It felt like it was stretching itself farther and farther away from me.

Another scream and this time, I heard her voice.



I increased my speed even more. My angel was in danger, but it felt as if she was getting farther and farther away from me. Her screams were getting farther and farther away. Then all of a sudden, I stopped running. My lungs burned and my heart pounded against my chest.

Why am I stopping?

She's in trouble!

I need to save my mate!

"You can't save her"

I growled at the intruding voice and spun around to see a dark figure wearing a cloak. He had dark energy surrounding him, making me growl even more.

"What do you mean I can't save her?"

"It's as I said. There's no getting her back"

"Of course, I can. Just fucking watch me"

I turned around to take off running again but before I could, I instantly felt pain and burning on my body.

What the hell?

I looked down to see silver chains clamped around my wrists and ankles. I tried breaking them, but every time I went to move my hands, the silver burned even more against my skin. The pain was excruciating, but it didn't matter.

Only Ivy did.

Suddenly, I heard a hearty laugh from behind me. I turned back to the figure, but I didn't expect to see his hooded face in front of mine. It almost scared the crap out of me.


"You can't because you are a failure," the figure said. I tried to speak but no words came out. 

What the fuck? 

'Elias, what's going on?'

Then it hit me. 

I couldn't feel him. 

I couldn't feel Elias. 

My wolf. 

He's gone.

The figure chuckled before speaking. 

"You failed to protect your pack"

'No that's not true.' 

I shut my eyes in anger, hoping to shut out his words. 

"You failed to protect your previous mate"

'No! I didn't!'

"You failed to save your parents from death"


I reopened my eyes and felt my anger seeping out of my body. I bared my teeth at the figure and he took a small step back. But his voice didn't get any quieter. 

"And soon, you will fail to protect your mate."

'SHUT UP!!' 

"But why? It's the truth, isn't it?"


The figure chuckled and pulled back his hood. 

"I am you"

I let out a strangled gasp for air as I fell to my knees, the sounds of the chains clanking as I did. 

The person that stood in front of me was like looking in a mirror.

 Except he was demented. 



'No... that's not true..'

'You're not me'

He hummed. 

"Oh but I am, Alexander. I am you. To put it into smaller terms, I am the monster inside you. I am your failures, your fears, your insecurities, your anger, and most importantly, your bloodlust" 

'No you're wrong!'

He smirked and his sharp fangs were stained with blood. I looked down at his hands and they were also stained with red. My eyes widened as soon as the scent hit my nose. 


'It can't be..'

The other me let out a burst of laughter as I felt my eyes water. 

"It is, Alexander. This is our fate. Isn't it beautiful!?", he shouted with glee. I shook my head and  suddenly, the scent grew even stronger. My body froze as I look behind him to see a body on the ground. 


I was afraid to look down. I didn't want to see it. But my body didn't listen and my gaze wondered down to my hands. A strangled cry left my lips as I saw the blood on my hands. 

It was fresh.


My vision blurred with tears as my gaze kept lookin at my blood stained hands and the body across from me. The other me was no longer in front of me, so I had a full view. 

Ivy's body laid across the wilted meadow in a pool of her own blood. Her eyes were dull and lifeless, like the meadow. She was staring at me as I cried. Her tear-stained face is what broke me. I cried even harder and the smell of her blood made me want to puke. 

"Face it, Alexander. We are monsters. And monsters don't deserve happiness" 

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