Chapter 55

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Once I regained consciousness, all I could see was darkness. I started to panic so I tried to move my body but I couldn't. My wrists were restrained behind my back and my legs were tied up. Well at least they were nice enough to put me in a chair than the floor.

"So you're finally awake."

My body froze once I heard that familiar voice ringing throughout the room. I felt a hand touch my cheek, and I tried flinching away. I didn't need to see to know who was standing in front of me.

"Get the fuck away from me, you murderer", I spat out in anger, despite how scared I felt. I heard him scoff before and a loud smack, feeling pain spread across my cheek.

"Now is that really how you act towards your father, Ivy?"

"I see you haven't changed over the years. How was prison, asshole?"

"Shhhh. Now don't be like that. Let me get a good look at you. I missed you and your mother so much."

I spat at him and he groaned in disgust, while I smirked. He took off the blindfold that was covering my eyes and I finally got a good look at him. He looked as if he didn't age at all. He still looks the same after 11 years. I glared at him with so much hatred. My father glared back and placed his hand on my throat, taking away the air from my lungs.

"You better not do that again, you little bitch. You remember what happens when you step out of place"

Suddenly, the memories from 11 years ago resurfaced as I started to struggle to breath. Memories of him and my mother yelling at each other, him beating her, him coming to stab me, Nathan saving me, and Nathan's dead body on the floor. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"Jason, don't do that. That's an order", a voice suddenly came out of nowhere.

My father scoffed and let go of my neck and I gasped for my breath. While I was panting, I looked up to see who the other person was and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head. It was Nick. He had a sickening grin on his face and my father stood next to me. I couldn't believe that my father listened to a 19 year old. I stared at my father in disbelief and I didn't hear Nick coming closer to me.

"My my bella~, you shouldn't have done what you did to me. Now if you cooperate, I won't punish you."

"Over my dead body, Nick"

He tsked before kneeling down to my level.

"You might want to hear me out before you go making decisions. It might benefit you", he replied. I couldn't even get a word in before he continued.

"I know that you are aware of our species and you know about the mate bond. So let's cut to the chase, I want you to be my mate and only mine. Accept my offer or else suffer the consequences."

I burst out laughing. Who the hell does this bitch think he is?

"What makes you think that I will agree to that? I'm Alex's mate and I will only be his mate. I don't care if you beat me or torture me to death. I will never be your mate", I spat angrily.

Nick's grin was soon gone and was replaced with a deadly glare. My body suddenly went cold as I saw a door open and two other guys came in the room.

"Untie her"

The two guys nodded and did as they were told. Nick then kicked the chair away, making me fall on the floor. I immediately went to get up to kick this guys' ass, but I looked up at Nick and he had an evil smile.

"You'll regret that," he said. Before I could even retort back, two more people stepped into the room. I watched as the person came in dragging a small familiar looking boy by his arm.


The man holding him threw him onto the floor and before he could hit the ground, I caught him in my arms. He looked up at me and my heart broke. His face was bruised and his nose was bleeding. Once Dylan recognized it was me, he gave me a small smile.

"Ivy..", I heard him mutter weakly.

"I'm here, bud. I'm here", I cooed to him quietly. His small eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared up at me.

"I... can't..."

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" I screamed at Nick and my father.

"Nothing~. He wouldn't listen, so we taught him a lesson", my father replied with a sickening smirk. I looked down at Dylan in shock and I hugged him tightly to my chest. Slowly, I felt his arms wrap around me and I couldn't stop the tears.

"Seems familiar, Ivy?" my father asked. My head shot up and I let out a protective growl, holding Dylan close to me.

"Stay away from us!"

Nick chuckled before snapping his fingers.


I felt a pair of hands grab onto me and I growled loudly before pushing the man away. I heard a loud thud before another pair of arms wrap around me. I screamed and struggled against the man holding me down and I watched as the other man take Dylan away from me.

"Ivy..", he called out as I kept fighting.


They ignored my protests and they put Dylan on a small table in the room. Right next to the table, was a small cart and my eyes widened. Nick approached the cart and picked up a syringe.

"Ever heard of wolfs bane, Ivy?"

Wolfs bane?

Alarms were going off in my head and Nick smirked evilly.

"Wolfs bane is deadly to werewolves. But it's not enough to kill a wolf. Only when it's mixed with silver, can it kill a wolf. One drop is enough to make an adult werewolf drop dead within a matter of minutes. I wonder how this will affect a small child", he cooed before inching the syringe closer to Dylan's arm.

"DON'T! STOP! YOU'LL KILL HIM", I pleaded. My father laughed.

"That's the point sweetheart", he replied.

No, I can't have him die! I don't want history to repeat itself!

"FINE! I'LL DO IT! I'LL BE YOUR MATE! JUST DON'T HURT HIM!", I screamed, making Nick stop right before the needle could pierce the skin. I started to cry as Nick looked at me.

"I'll be your mate.. Just let him go", I pleaded once more and Nick put the syringe back down on the cart. I didn't pay him any attention. I carefully watched Dylan's chest go up and down as he breathed slowly. Too slowly.

"Take him back upstairs", Nick commanded. I could see my father's grim expression at Nick's decision in the corner of my eye, but I watched the men pick up and carry Dylan back to where they came from.

When the door finally closed, Nick moved my gaze to him and he smiled. I fought the urge to spit at his face as he pressed a small kiss on my cheek. He had a hungry look in his eye and I had never felt more disgusted in my life.

"Now let the fun beg-" he was cut off by someone entering the room.

"Alpha,  you are needed", the man said. Nick growled in anger and turned to face the man.

"Can't you see that I'm busy?"

"I'm sorry Alpha, but it's urgent"

Nick sighed before facing me again. With a smirk, Nick pressed his lips against mine. I tried pulling away but he held my arms so that I couldn't. I fought the urge to vomit as he kept kissing me. When he finally pulled away, he still had that smirk on his face.

"I'll come back for you bella~".

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