Chapter 23

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"Don't forget me"

"Don't forget me"

"Don't forget me"

I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by in nothing but darkness.

'Where am I?'

"Don't forget me"

The words that echoed throughout from the darkness made my body shiver and my eyes widened as I realized who was saying them. 

"Nate!", I called out but no response came back. Walking around the dark room, I called out his name again. 

"Nate! Where are you?!"

"Nate! Please answer me!"


All of a sudden, a spotlight shined in front of me as I slowly approached it. When I reached the middle of the spotlight, another light shined just 20 paces away and followed it. 

As the lights showed me the way and as I got closer, I heard a strange noise but thought nothing of it. After what seemed like 10 minutes of following the lights, the final light was lit and a small figure with his back to me was standing in the middle. 

Recognizing the his blue train pajamas, I ran towards him. 


But for some reason, I stopped when I started getting closer. That strange noise I heard was becoming louder. It sounded as if someone was having trouble breathing and my heart dropped. 

"Why did you stop, sis?" 

"I thought you missed me", Nate said as he turned around and the sight in front of me made me stumble back in horror. 

This thing, who I thought was my brother stood in front of me, wasn't even my brother but it was wearing my brother's face. 

The skin surrounding his eye socket had peeled to reveal the red muscle and his remaining eye was pitch black with a glowing red iris. His face was peeling, revealing his some of his skeleton. 

Half of his body was decaying, the giant slashes across his chest was more visible and seemed to be growing bigger.

"Look at what you did to me, sis.This is all you're fault", 

"No Nate! That's not true!", The thing took a step towards me as I stepped back.

"You left me to die in that place" 

"No! NO! I didn't!", I was beyond terrified as his voice grew louder and deeper.

"You said that you'd protect me. You're a liar" 

"I'm sorry!", I shouted. I need to run! 

"It should've been you! Not me."

"Nate please! I'm sorry!" 


"No.. please..."


"I'm sorry..."



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