Christmas Special!!

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Hey Everyone!

Merry Late Christmas and Happy New Years!!!

So I want to say THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! 4.7K READS!?  THAT IS AMAZING!I've been thinking about how I wanted to thank you guys for reading my story even though I wrote it when I was 15. I know that it doesn't make that much sense when reading it and I'm trying to fix that. But thank you guys so much for putting up with my weird turns, plot changes, and non-weekly/monthly updates.

Even if it's the same people reading my chapters, I'm still very thankful! I love my readers so much!! So I was thinking of a way to thank you guys and I thought, why not give you guys a Christmas Special Chapter? So here it is! I hope you enjoy and I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and an awesome New Year!!

Also, just a quick heads-up, this is at least 1923 words so get ready for a REALLY LONG SPECIAL!

Kay I'm done talking! ENJOY!


I hate winter.

People get sick easily, the cold ass wind was making my fingers turn numb, and the rain. THE CONSTANT RAIN!!!!

In other places, it would be snowing, but nope! In California, it's just RAIN!!

Did I mention how much I hated the rain? Especially in the morning?

Thank god, I didn't have to wait outside for long or else I would've been caught in the shower of water that was happening right now.

You guys must be wondering what I'm doing outside in 7 am in the morning.

I may not like winter, but I do love the holidays. And right now, I'm out doing my Christmas shopping.I've been out of the house since 5 AM and I got most of my gifts for everyone.

For my mom, I got her a signed copy of one her favorite book by the author. For Damon, I got him a set of Imagine Dragon albums. For Brandon and Kassidy, I got them two tickets to Korea. I knew that he misses his family back home and he would want to take Kassidy with him. For Layla and Angelo, I got them matching mugs.

Looking down at the haul that was in my arms, I headed towards Starbucks to get a quick caffeine break.

Now seems like a good time to get hot chocolate.

I agree.

Stepping inside Starbucks, I looked for an empty spot where I can rest my dying arms. Why is there so many people in this god damn Starbucks? God, I need to get in line or else it'll be too long.

Heh! That's what she said.

Omfg shut up

I finally saw a person get up from their seat and I ran to it. I sat down in the seat in relief and had my arms relax for once in two hours. Thank god, I already ordered the hot chocolate before I got into the store.

Pulling out my phone from my pocket, I went through the list of people I still needed to get Christmas gifts. The only people that I was missing was Dylan and Alex. But for Dylan, I already had a gift in mind.

The real question is, What do you give the boy who has everything?

Yup, that's right ladies and gents. I am confizzled on what to give Alex for Christmas and yeah, I'm getting him a present. But it's literally so hard to get guys stuff! Especially the Greek god himself.

He literally has everything he wants, and if he wants something, he buys it himself. HE DOES NOT MAKE IT EASY FOR ME!!

What could I get for the douche?

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