Chapter 1: EARTH

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At the entrance of the king of the Earth, Sebastian Dozel and his daughter, Megan Dozel, come the sound of the thunderstorm that announces itself. It’s a terrible high-pitched and shrill sound, an artificial sound but that make a great impact all the same, ringing into the ears at kilometers away and that mainly come deeply into the ears of the human beings with screams, moans, pleas and shouts as answer, one or another even ask to stop, but one wish always denied, to the powerful, it’s the sound of the surrender and the total control, but for most, it’s the sound that means harder and worst things are to come and destroy them, every time slower.

All the left population was gathered up down there at one tight and narrow space, hardly fit for five thousand people, but with almost the double of the count, resembling very much one cage, but the bars invisible, giving the impression that it is an open space to the sides, but just put your fingers or even its shadows touching, and you turn one glass statue instantly, totally motionless for about ten minutes, an terrible feeling of impotence, stoppage and fear, much fear, therefore and many other things, or rather threats, the human beings have become little mousses, too much scared to do something bold against the richest ones.

Besides the bars, cage and narrow place where they find them in, there´s the invisible guard too, one immense group of thousands of guardsmen, at the king´s service that stay encircling the mouthful of people at the square should anyone try to do something; the strength of these guardsmen it’s unbelievable, they have five times the strength of one common man, but not any man, one very gaunt and enormous man, despite they have one physical body apparently thin and being slightly muscular. Besides the strength, their speed it’s another thing of extreme relevance, they can run so fast as one jaguar or leopard at a matter of seconds, never breathing hard or gaping or puffing, of course these are not qualities of one human being and of course, they are not; the invisible men actually are mutations created inside one laboratory at the request of the king himself and his daughter.

All around the assemble, there´s one big crystallized  bubble, made by the resources and technologies close at hand too, that serve as one protector cover for all them, the king, his daughter, all the groups and even the poorest ones, and that avoid the water, sun and another filters and external objects get through their space and this way, spoiling their meeting, as the external objects, the internal cannot get through out as well, then all of them will be bound inside there till the end; and as for the sun, the rays won´t get through because the bubble serve mainly as one barrier, neutralizing the effects of the ultraviolet rays and leaving the sun just as one beautiful orange image up at the top of the bubble.

Due the control post on the left human beings, they have no longer their true names, names of baptism, but only acronyms and codes printed at one clear blue phosphorescent microchip under one slayer of their skins with flashing lights that stay blinking all the time, twenty-four hours per day just to remember them that they belong no longer to themselves, but one imposing strength that will remove them of the Earth faster than those flashing lights on their hands if they misbehave or try something very bold; but the most terrible it’s that  one scream it’s enough to put them in trouble, because one single scream of one single person could mean rebellion festering so fast as one fever, then just one scream and the microchip will send stabs and poundings of pain so destructive into their bodies that the scream they will give will be ten times stronger and powerful than the first one.

Before them, there are three panels, big panels of image and simultaneous transmission where probably the king and the princess will appear at any moment together with another handful of invisible men too. At first they appear only with their images to make sure that no rebellion or confusion are happening, then make all the population say their words of “progress and domain” that are their motto and truth since the beginning of the empire of the king of the Earth, first the king himself speak that phrase: “the power embrace a man and his flaws stay behind forever” and then afterwards all the people counter: “ that´s why we surrender, to make peace, to appease our fears and construct one successful future, long life to the king of the Earth”.

Sometime or another, instead of shouting, they prefer stay silent, but that´s not one clever idea neither; the microchip answer to that too.

After the beginning of the transmission, the oath and the pronunciation of the words, finally the king Sebastian Dozel and his daughter Megan, get out from the screen and appear to the mob personally and they literally “get out” from the screen as if they were surfing or browsing above one thin and straight metal plate and getting through some soft and smooth jam and always surrounded by their indestructible invisible men, at that moment, appear only the king and his daughter by his side, probably leaving their group of counselors, scientists and holograms behind at some self-communion palace.

The king and his daughter have some kind of “enormity” that´s very peculiar at the eyes of the human beings and that differ them from all the rest. The king Sebastian, obviously it’s a man of middle age, but his skin it’s so immaculate, fixed, firm and smooth that resemble the skin of one new born baby and the hue and shade it’s not one skin color, clear and sharp anymore, but one metallic silver chrome that´s so bright and stay even brighter at the exposure of the sun, as if he were one vampire accustomed with the chill, cold and shadows and suddenly were deteriorating and thawing and would vanish at any moment, his eyes, completely black and so clever and squinted as one fox´s, his lips so thin that resembled invisible when shut closed; his hair so black as his eyes and very bulky and thick, but not rushing down at his neck or backs, but up as if he were placed on his hair lots of lacquer and one fixative gel that maintain all the hair up and giving the impression of have taken one thousand-volts shock; besides his hair to be black and thick, it’s very sharp and spiked, then when he put on his crown that´s spiked and black too, you think he has nothing on his head but his showy hair.

Aside his hair and make-up, his outfit it’s one futuristic and smart garb, made and developed especially to the king. It is one kind of striped black, white and gray tuxedo, but with the zip up to the chin and one long tail waving behind him, serving as one species of cloak too. The garb was made thinking about the needs and impressiveness of its owner and has everything that he could ever think or dream or need of; one smart machine operates inside the garb and it have: protection against the weather, aerodynamic flight, impenetrable liner as one shield, sensor of heat and presence and offer even its own attack against enemies and one eye location till light-years away.

And the appearance of his daughter, Megan Dozel, it’s no less impactful; her skin has the same metallic silver chrome of her father´s, but her make-up that consist of one peach-colored glitter, one cream-colored coat applied generously on her eyes and her big-sized purple-colored false eyelashes that match with the color of her eyes never melts away, that mean her make-up it’s not of long duration, but everlasting.

Her blond hair its smooth and straight, and run down through her backs, passing by her thighs, feet till the ground where it go on to some yards away, making her resemble the Rapunzel, but without the braids and the goodness.

The most incredible, flashy and bizarre part it’s on account of her dresses and she wear three at once; the system of control and intelligent operation of her garb, allow her to wear three garbs. Coming the first, you see one marvelous and spectacular dark blue sapphires dress that keep moving around her as if on rotation, at the beginning its one long and more compound dress at the length of her feet, but then the slow movements start to play softly, gently, and the dress gain one new shape because it only stop when come up to her knees, then it make all it way down again till her feet and stay so till comes the change of clothes.

The second garb, it’s not one dress but one wetsuit snug with a chromatic effect and that cover all the perimeters of her body, from the head to heels and with long sleeves well adhered to the body; the garb has one surprisingly glorious effect that are the little particles of crystal glued on her garb that begin only flashing and shining, but after some moments, begin to unglue from the garb to grown up through all her body till her head where the “branches” connect with her crown, doing so, one perfect and glorious image up at the top of her head and all her figure, the crystals really resemble, roots growing up from one beautiful tree and perpetuating all along her being; one pure and chaste image if not her true nature.

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