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Every inhabitant of Maya respected and admired him, but Ghirá never once make one self-assertion of himself, he didn´t like and didn´t make mistakes, but one day one simple, but courageous and imposing man changed it. The man was Molam Zoya himself that had came to Ghirá after he knew about his techniques, fame and impressive impact upon the spirits and souls, there Molam made one challenge to Guirá: he would let the magician impose all his control upon him and try to steal his mysterious flow, if he could, Molam would let him go even deeper and to know everything he knew about domain, if he couldn´t, Molam would be free to ask whatever he wants.

At first, Guirá stayed confuse and pensive, then he asked to Molam what he knew that he judged so precious, not with words and questions, but with the mind and his persuasion, but it surprisingly failed and then Guirá realized, Molam Zoya had not just the strong wall into his halo, but into his mind too and that kind of man was so invincible and surprising as anything he ever saw, he realized that whatever he knew, it was not one thing to throw away without second thoughts.

Guirá accepted the challenge and knew that man was far the most complex, intriguing and provocative object and promise of discoveries and dissolving of itself.

When he began to concentrate and disseminate his involvement of anesthesia and seduction upon that alive puzzle, the blockade was even faster and stronger and each time he even thought about send his delicate steam into Molam´s body, the flow came back at the same time, perfect, silent and without any essence; but Guirá didn´t give up so easy, he knew he were losing the power and the maneuver of the spell that at each attempt, stayed weaker and less thick, but no one mortal man never challenged him that way and were winner and that one would not be the first one, he knew he had to do something infallible and quickly…

Suddenly an mad thought took hold of Guirá… what if I try another spell, not so powerful and magnificent, but maybe more accurate, right and without way out so this man cannot have means to block and shield his most intimate and dark parts, maybe it can work very well, maybe it would not be so hard to get into his mind as I thought and even steal without his realization, his so precious and essential acknowledges.

Guirá produced this time, the turn of the contradictions, one black magic that was so ancient and forbidden no one even remembered it. The black magic was made together with the white magic ones at the age of the fallacy and the two ones walked side by side because with the premise of very few laws and the ascension of the illusion and perfect techniques with its discovery and appearance at the beginning and top at the same time, the black magic had not its power of destruction and neutralization that it has nowadays. Even so, the turn of the contradictions never was the most wanted, welcome and used spell amidst all the inhabitants of Maya because it naturally misrepresented and unmade everything apparently solid and fulfilled,  but especially it declared that the turn of the spells was so excruciating and absent as anything else, this black magic  did not relied on control, power and domain, but exactly the contrary, it relied on fragile, breakable, deliberative and daring at the extreme, it isn´t dangerous and risky by these shapes, but because it unmade all the fantasy and brought the real and extreme forth, it was the stormy and unforeseen spell that could work depending from the depths of your controllable, but when you don´t know the person, it can turn against you and your contradiction will outcrop on you, your doings, will reflect your mind and appearance, the illusion will give way to the real and it to one Murlak( the inhabitants of Maya) can be so terrible and painful than anything else, but even so Guirá took that chance.

Guirá still had into his mind, the words and exact movements of that magic and knew it was everything or nothing.

And the shock of the nothing it was more intense than he could imagine, when the magician tried to go beyond the barrier that separated and hindered his absorption and natural control from that shocking and sinister man, the turn of the contradictions turned around once again on the contrary and Guirá lose the challenge, deteriorating and damaging his axiom of fallacy, perception and imagination, he never more were the same magician, with his interior, hollow, predictable and everlasting painful.

But Molam Zoya won him and asked his wish, as it was combined; and then when Guirá still had his fragile powers, he demanded Guirá to free and to lead the Murlak so they could stop to fight and to compete for the perfection, and act and to be based on the unreality that was his great doutrine instead; Guirá, reluctantly obeyed and used the compelling mist through the whole extension of Maya, each place, each home, each person was contaminated and induced to do what they were told. Then from it, appeared the glorious law of the unreality and the ascension so that the people don´t pass by the sufferings, tortures, agonies anymore because it was thing of the past and only real beings of one real and degenerated world would suffer of the illness of the spirit and soul that mixed into only one after the solid body were destroyed at the mortal proof.

Actually,Guirá could not use from all his techniques with Molam because he were not before him, Molam were just his spirit and his body had been extinguished a long time ago, he had make use of the prowess of the disintegration and rising and were the first one to do it at that age, Guirá never could domain and steal the halo of one man that had not halo anymore, but all the acknowledge Molam possessed it really was precious and savior before the eyes of thousands of hundreds people that till then always thought the only mean to perpetuate and rise at one level non-existent and ceaseless, the level that stay between the real and the unreal, the death and the life, what´s sensitive to the eyes and the sense, it was to be immortal, to really live forever, with more power, more domain and with the sentence of decision of the two sides swaying into their hands, but Molam Zoya unmade this paradox and simply said “ the perpetuate doesn´t mean the reality of the body, but the absence of it” and those same thousands of hundreds people began to follow him as master and from that day on, he became our predominant, but mainly reachable God.

Coming back to our “ still ” reality right now, Nizara covered Jeremy with her compelling mist that has not only the use to reach, find and bring forth the halo and flow of the controllable, but to peel their skins or slayers and transform it into the own mist and fog of the territorial passage, of course it isn´t happening with none of us now, but according with the training we received at the beginning of our fourth stage, it´s indispensable that the zero elements, as are called the substances and illusory preparations that are materialized as real objects to each proof that we pass by, “ assimilate” that we are not real anymore so that the proof really work and the compatibility of one not-being with another make one equality, without this technique, probably the proof would lost its effects and the degree of development of the zero element would damage irreversibly our capacity of senses and our capacity to discern what exist and what doesn´t exist.

Jeremy´s covered by the mist and began to float on the air as one feather, this time he´s not so nervous as before, just watchful and maybe vague, sometimes raising up both of his arms as if he thought he could beat his “ wings” and fly; others turning his head to every sides and making sure that the fog it´s really wrapping him completely as the hot and welcoming blanket of one mother or grandmother when at cold and dark nights of winter; no, that´s one terrible and inappropriate thing to think, no one here´s talking about mothers or grandmothers and they should not exist into our minds anymore, they must to be forgotten, abolished and dead for us, that´s the way of it.

At our front, before our eyes, the translucent cabin become even bigger and larger, its strong and fragile-looking walls opening into one standardized movement and at the same time, when it happened, strangely the bubbles didn´t change from place and became even tighter and together; up at the top, Jeremy were floating and hovering above the cabin and looking down, unease, as if afraid to fall down, what´s he thinking right now?

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