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Lastly but not least, come the third garb that was one black long velvet dress too, but this time without sleeves and with one effect that seemed to be one pasty and thick black water rushing and flowing down from her bust till her feet, the dress was very adherent and tight to the skin, marking and detailing her shapes, even being one twelve years old girl, the dress had some effects at its base that resembled one black hole engulfing and swallowing anyone who try come closer.

Certainly, comparing the outfit of the king and the princess with that one of the mob, it makes one incredible and scaring difference, while Sebastian and Megan have all the comfort, wealthy and luxury of their lives and way to dress, all of the rest have just one piece of clothes, that they wear on their bodies, one white straight jumpsuit and without devices or any display of wealthy.

Due the naval battle, occurred seventy years ago, the waters it’s scarcer than ever to the mob. The father of Sebastian commanded that war by sea against another countries and one enormous fleet of ships marching with all its strength was his main attack, of course he gained and besides take possession of all the ships of his enemies, he had one brilliant idea that came true together with the help of his best friend and scientist William Kenner; suck with the help of one latest generation equipment at that time, one good and generous part of the seas and oceans and remove at a matter of seconds, all the dirt and impurities contained into those waters and transform the impure water to one completely pure and drinkable.

But the human beings was not contemplated or decorated with that benefit, only the most powerful as Sebastian´s father, the scientist, their groups with the richest ones and nowadays Sebastian himself and Megan, therefore, to get some water, they need to show total surrender and affection by their new and true king and forget that one day they had one God that took care of them and heard their prayers; the food as well it’s into their hands, but Sebastian and Megan don´t eat by the mouth any longer as the human beings, now they eat by some daily injections through their veins that keep them satisfied and fed all along the day and with the sleep, it’s something like that…

Some years ago, as gift of Megan´s birthday, the diabolical and spoiled girl, asked to his father, one magic potion, remedies or effect to make her immune to the sleep, it mean that she never would need sleep through all her life again, would be one steadfast and tireless girl, this way she would be with her eyes wide open forever and never weak or vulnerable to any enemy; and her father gave his consent, but William, the scientist, the same best friend of Sebastian´s father, now an old man,  warned her about the collateral effects after the complicated surgery that consisted of remove some organs of hers, the internal organs(except the heart that´s a more complex organ and would need such a perfect and tiring job to get the exact structure of this human and powerful machine that´s the center of the body, first for the difficulty to reproduce with all the details the left and right side of it, and second, due the canals with other organs through the circulation of blood and other functions)and then replace for metallic organs made uniquely inside laboratory, as if she were one robot, the organs would work so effectively as the true ones, even better and stronger, he reassured, coming the night, she only would need put herself on one recharge battery, connecting her body to one tiny wire and placing into one little orifice that was opened at the right side of her waist, making that for only two hours, she could to be able to pass all the nights wide awake and look well too, never napping or falling asleep, but despite to be very young, she reacted well to the surgery and the collateral effects too.

The true organs of Megan, stayed put away behind closed and barred doors into one white room with invisible men at guard all around the place and when William, four years later, asked one favor behalf all his doings forward Megan, he was denied by Sebastian.

William wanted that his grandson, Tristan, could receive all the organs of Megan by one transplant surgery because the little boy was born with most of his, fragile and about to stop to work at any moment, the great and clever scientist could no longer do anything to his grandson by account of his advanced age, he were already past ninety and his brain and intellect, could do nothing, then he had only one chance, beg to Sebastian that lied about the whereabouts of Megan´s organs.

One week later, he died.

Not Tristan, but William.

The boy still kept living, and when Megan knew about everything, she convinced his father to give the organs into him telling that if he would do half of the things his grandfather did, he could be very profitable to both of them. Since then, the boy live under the control of the king and every motion of his, it’s seen by Sebastian.

-human beings, - began Sebastian, with his rough and conspicuous voice,- you all know why I have summoned this assemble today and with one certain urgency, the day has come when I will have to choose one hostage between you to live from this day on, at another world of our so respected galaxy, that´s one practice that I have put into my command and kingdom since thirty years ago and I have sure it’s working very well. The alliance between myself and the leaders of these another worlds must to be stronger each day that pass by and nothing better to obey that promise and law, than show and offer to my friends, proper and true human beings to meet and know their worlds, to accustom and penetrate deep into their traditions and truths, acknowledges and law, oaths, ways of life and behave, as happened with the twenty-nine human beings of past years, now we will meet one more human hostage that from this day on, will not to be human any longer, but one Tonda, one Murlak, one Jik, one Evergreen, so many choices,  who knows?

Megan alludes to a smile.

The mob down there remain silent, but staring constantly to the king and his daughter, so glorious and flashy as one peahen, they don´t shout because know it’s fruitless, but one hint of rage and hatred flash through their eyes and they clench their teeth too.

-let’s not last that any longer, we will select right now,- says the king louder.

The king, Megan and all the guardsmen give way enough of the front, so all the people can see the enormous screen that appear from nowhere high up above their heads with the image and codes of all the left human beings. Seven thousand beings altogether and to mark the pass of the time, the same thunderstorms that annunciated the entrance of the king and the princess will boom again as seconds, when they reach sixty seconds, the screen that will be passing at one surprisingly fast speed all the images, will stop and the face, the hostage; the rotation of the screen it’s enough to pass by all the seven thousand images, twenty times.

-at my signal, - said Sebastian that make one pause just to enrage some, disturb other and cause more creeps to all the stares stocked on the screen,- let’s begin, friends.

The explosion of the thunderstorm leaves the mob, going to madness.

Each boom that mean only one second, you can hear everything, despaired shouts and screams, perturbed moans, pleas to stop, but specially, many people falling down on the ground, young and old, women and men, even the little and helpless children that cannot endure so noise and ringing inside their ears, as soon as they shout, became glass statues at once, due the microchip put into their skins, as told earlier, there´s only a few that could endure the explosion and pressure and only put their hands on their ears to diminish and appease the explosions or by shaking convulsively their bodies  or even clench their teeth so that no scream can get through their lips.

The king, Megan and the invisible men stay motionless, cold and dispassionate as if nothing was going on.


Has come the first ten seconds;




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