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 Nothing it´s exactly what it seems to be.

I keep repeating that phrase into my mind many a time per day, just to see if it enter more easy, but something or other sometimes slips out and I have to come back to the beginning once again.

Here at the rising and birth domain, we the ascendants have to deal with many kinds of feelings and emotions, our own feelings and emotions so that we can born again to one level of abrupt refuge and elevation, there we deal with the more dangerous beasts of our mind, with the voracious and abhorrent desires and wishes, that same desires that makes us sin and to be weak, mere fleas and insignificants beings through the wild of ourselves, we must get control and domain, if not it will control us forever.

The domain it´s partly our second home and every day we have to learn something new and it can be a new phrase or a new technique, I love the techniques but I have to confess that they are very complicated and even make them get into our bodies and glue into our brains up as some everlasting pasta, even more. I know that as just a seven-years old girl I should not afflict me this way, but I have to, the healer witch Nizara Blank that´s our main master and daily accompany our development very close always demand results from us and I know I must to do my best and then someday to be as perfect as she.

At the ascent of today, Nizara told us that to the beginning, it´s fundamental we can see ourselves by a new perspective,  always looking to our interior, always paying attention about what´s our most dangerous and weakening feelings, always try to find some way to put our emotion into the light and surface and then  when we are at the summit of the stress or afflictions, throw a bucket of cold water on them by searching some neutral point and getting there, to maintain our serenity and magnificence, she says that´s the key point of everything, if you can get there, no one will never take you away.

When Nizara finished her speech, some girl from the bottom of the room, began to cry, not loud but sufficient to catch Nizara´s attention and before long, she were asking to the girl why she were crying.

-Your words are so beautiful, master- said the girl with a tremulous and sobbing voice.

-but you has just heard me, child- began Nizara with that unchanged and firm voice of hers that so much impress me- no emotions include no cries too, if the tears are controlling you, that´s a bad signal, don´t you think?

-yes, but what can I do? - She asked almost so helpless and fondly as one new born baby, simply pathetic, even myself could control me and just like her I am still at the first level, there are many other ahead, much more risky, menacing, hard, impossible and even mortal sometimes, but as Nizara always say “ with immunity, you can get to any place inside you, you can force and press your thoughts and even subconscious, command them when and where you wish and the price can be your rising, absolution and discharge or simply your total freedom.

-not only you, but all of you- she said turning her back to the girl and coming to the front again- now, we will learn a technique that actually, myself only learned after the ten years but you will begin to familiarize and make some contact with them right now.

-what´s the name of that technique, master? –I asked very anxious and excited already.

-it´s called the cabin of the explosions- she said slow and darkly.

Soon we found out what she meant with cabin of explosions.

We entered into an enormous and white room without any furniture but one huge and translucent cabin made of glass and inside it, there was many bubbles, but it didn´t seem with common bubbles but with changed and modified bubbles, each one bigger and more colorful than other, they were hovering up on the air and with an generous space one from another, even so those people who enter into there, would have some difficulty to escape from everyone and I don´t know why but I had the slight sensation that those people were ourselves.

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