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Still whispering its attack words, Jira stay face-to-face with Grona and noticing the sudden flash passing by her gaze, the sly serpent doesn´t lose time and pull its tongue inside the mouth again just to produce the most scaring and lethal kind of poison it could ever has, more powerful and efficient than the poison of the fifteen serpents, the evil and suffocating pink poison of the envy and the treason that provokes an enormous condition of lethargy and reduction of the senses in minuscule doses but reaching the impressive death of the victim when ejaculated in a constant and mortal jet. Grona knew, she had conscious about what the serpent was going to does with her and even so let it happen in a token of surrender and understanding of the poison, the natural and loyal liquid belonging to them as a barrier, a unshakeable defense against the enemies and a way of attack when necessary, mainly one to another.

Jira open its mouth and stay clear to see the pointed fangs as big and scaring knives shining at the moonlight and ready to attack Grona that´s almost closing her eyes and placing her head back showing with desire and a forced conviction her long neck running down till the length of her whole building and tail, surprisingly the queen was practically giving herself, offering her disposition at the serpent´s will and moving aside her own feelings when it comes to Logo, with the thin openings above her mouth, Grona could clearly sense the smell of the poison hovering on her inside the fangs of Jira, this poison began to flow and gush out from the piercing teeth as a slimy and terrible knife stained with blood, a blood meaning death and not life in the vehemence and prompt compulsion.

The spring was well-aimed and at once, Grona didn´t even have the opportunity to let out just one more breath and the unforgiving serpent did sneak ahead to stuck its malicious fangs inside her scaly and long building over again under her head, the queen instantly closed her eyes and clenched her teeth because on the contrary of the fifteen serpents gathered up around her earlier, this attack, this single and morbid attack made by just one serpent, the claimed first serpent and her counselor was enough to surpass the power and the poison of the entire serpents of the planet, it was a hard and almost unbearable flow of poison that electrified and moved each inch of hers, Grona didn´t remember what was the last time she was attacked by Jira but the feeling was unforgettable and unmistakable, while the other serpents made her best to imprint on Grona and her strong organism the maximum poison and intoxicating persuasion made by the accumulated cunning and almost failed, the serpent was well-aimed in her techniques and springs, with the instinct of the firs serpents inside her, Jira had a seasoned position when it comes to stuck her marks and poison someone, surely Grona had these marks already and it never would abandon her neither let her does something contrary her natural instincts knowing to be a true serpent they had to have the falsehood always near them, or rather, inside them.

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