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Her eyes still was closed but the breath constant and alive through the thin slits above her mouth, the bites all over her scales made her seems an easy and helpless prey full with holes and openings but it was clear to see the process was successful and Grona was totally poisoned again. The thin and purple snakes on her head began to awake up and look around dizzy and a little irritable rattling their tails but when they saw the supreme serpent before them, their expressions changed at once and the sullen looks turned resigned and embarrassed worshiping Jira while they bowed their heads and looked down. The wise serpent pull its tongue out and brush it against the heads of each snake there, this moment a ebullition it is heard from outside and the bitter queen Grona finally open her eyes with slowness showing her red-blood look able to freeze and poison even at distance.

-what are you feeling? – asks Jira when it realizes her conscious and fix stare on it, a stare of superiority and indifference.

-thirst – Grona says – a mad thirst, I want someone, my fangs are itching, I cannot control anymore, bring me someone – she demands to the serpent even knowing she has just ended up her poisoning.

-that´s good to know – Jira answer coming near and attentively analyzing her expression – but you have to wait a little more, the right prey I want to you will arrive just in time, don´t worry.

Suddenly Grona get up and move away sneaking up with her head held high forward the place where the serpents who gave their bites into her was in, she kept a good time facing her fellows and afterwards turn around to face Jira once again.

-I need a good mass full with strength to revitalize me, you know, my flow is running inside me as never before and my instincts won´t wait the whole life, but… - Grona sneaks the nearest she can and her reddish eyes gleam with certainty and malice to Jira as if reading her thoughts – I would love to lick his injuries and poison that Tonda once and for all.

-exactly, I told you Mako is an enemy to us and while he´ still alive, he will be always a curse to our planet, an instinct of a snake never can to be changed, if we have fangs, poison and thirst for treason and dishonesty it is because we should to be so, snakes, serpents and reptiles has to kill and bite for nature, if he comes with contrary ideas and intentions to destroy and deteriorate our laws… then he must to be dead – the serpent turn around and face the window showing Mortuary´s swamps by the moonlight and whispering low, it finish its sentence – just like his mother.

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