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-yeah, exactly, but I could not make out all of its words, I was very nervous that day, the whispers were so silent… and I stayed long months into that dungeon, I would be there still if I had not ran away- he looked straightforward the eyes of Logo and alluded a little and winner smile- rather, slips out… thanks my other abilities, of course.

-Do you still remember these few words that you heard from the serpent? - asked on Logo that wanted to put all that things into the light, strangely he would.

-vaguely, but I do.

-And what is it? - urged Logo.

He made no answer, but came even closer and stared carefully to my eyes as if trying to find out something.

-look at me, please- he said with his eyes stocked fixedly into mine already.

-And why should i? - My crocodile´s instincts always speak louder and i am not enjoying this dialogue, then i try with all my strength to avert my gaze.

-Please- he said again, but now just a soft and sweet whisper.

Now with the light of the full moon increasing up at the sky, i can make out all his traces and appearance of false human being; a tall man, even taller than me when i am raised up and thin, but with strong and potent muscles that fulfill his bearing and make-up, i suppose that´s why he´s so strong on the arms, sneaking up and down through the trunks of trees it´s not an so easy task, it demands strength, balance and concentration but something tell me that´s the first time he did that, even so, perfectly; he has showy blue eyes, gray blond hair that run down through his forehead and only for that i could say certainly that he may not be, but has a complete and true fool, weak and effeminate look and i almost said it to him, but something more caught my attention and soon i found it out; besides that, he had almost perfect white teeth too, i say that because i saw already true human beings that came to here many years ago as hostages and their teeth was completely square, elegant and lined up, unlike Mako´s, it´s white anyway, but not so square and lined up, only those at the bottom of his mouth, but these at the front are somehow a little smaller, sharp and piercing as those ones of one snake when open its mouth just to give a great mouth or bite into the skin of its prey, that surprises me, i thought the Spemin men would disguise his foreign appearances of other worlds and descendants, specially they that are so proud by being so alike the real human beings, allow that Mako could show all these snake-like teeth, but... would that possible he came to here as hostage just for that? it make some sense, the world Gray could think that show distinct aspects of theirs it just would disturb and confuse their plans and precious fame, maybe even Mako has told them exactly what he told to Grona, that he´s an son of one Spemin with one Tonda, they got cross with him and sent him off at the first opportunity here.

But that´s not right, i was supposed to want eat and devour him, not just naturally chat, he´s still my prey, he´s still my hunt...

 Even so, i look straightforward his eyes and they tell me something more.

The showy and vibrant blue eyes turned a kind of yellowish with a hint of black, a mat black as mine when i hunt, i realize he doesn´t move his eyes back and forth, they keep motionless and fixedly into mine and Mako seems very confident and watchful as if trying to hypnotize me, but i don´t feel as if i am hypnotized but somehow i cannot take my eyes off him, after some moments he stops and come back to speak with me as if nothing had happened, but i know that´s not so.

-Logo- he begins...- with a smile playing on his lips and one eyebrow raised up.

-my... - i said but the words fail me and i stop.

-don´t worry, i think we will have a lot of time to speak about that, friend.

-i am not a friend of yours- i said now feeling my fury coming up to my surface again- you are my prey, not my friend.

-as you wish, but i have other plans to do right now and i have sure you will serve my purposes very well- he says now lower and turning his head around just to make sure that no one´s around here.

-i won´t help you- i said surprisingly fast and with cold and indifference at my voice- never.

-never it´s too long, Logo and i have waited for more than a hundred of years to come here, you cannot deprive me of that- he says now serious and mysterious.

-what do you mean? - Now it´s my turn to raise one eyebrow up, but with confusion- the spemin men have dispatched you here, Mortuary as hostage.

To a bigger surprise, he gives a sarcastic and sad laugh.

-the true story it´s not so, but as i said earlier, we will have time to speak more after... hear me, Logo, i need to hunt.

-hunt? Are you mad? You cannot hunt, you are...

-i know what i am, and that´s just why i need go to Mortuary forest, but i cannot go alone, i must need someone with me and someone who i can trust and believe in.

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