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The next veil that I most remember it was of one black woman that had about her 30´s and had one hair very different, full of braids and perfect lines that I liked to much as well, her skin it was one chocolate brown very conspicuous and firm and the gaze, profound and blunt, her shapes it was very prominent and her body it was very beautiful. I remember as It was yesterday because it was very funny, she did not scream as the redhead girl but she looked at me for about ten minutes and with one astonished and suspicious expression, afterwards she asked to make one last question and my father gave his consent; then the black woman asked to me if I was one alien that had come to take possession, control and steal her samba and the famous recipes of typical foods from her grandma, the next thing I remember I was bursting into laughter and I did not stop till my father remembered me that I had to fulfill the change of veils from that day and I did, but some weeks afterwards, I realized the black woman had one organism stronger than I could resist, then I began to pass by many difficulties with her, Mako tried to help me too, my father, everyone, but none could be done, only then Coco, my veil changer, came to me and asked if her could take the black woman´s body at my stead, at first I thought it was strange because she never had made me one request this way, besides, the veil changers had not the right to use and penetrate at many bodies, just one or two at their entire lives, but I accepted even so and Coco became very happy, but my father were not; he told me that I could not do it, that the laws of Gray it was very restricted and harsh, then we argued and I stayed weeks without speak with my father, but at length he changed his mind and Coco could have her body only to herself, she were the joy itself and to my surprise, she adjusted to the body of the black woman quickly, it was like If one chatted and understood another, I realized that body it was made exactly to Coco, not to me, but I was happy for her and I spent good memories with it.

The veil that I most liked above all and that I spent more time because I am with it up to now, it was the body of one charming and sweet girl about her 20´s that had bright and black straight and silky hair with enlightened and delightful green eyes that seemed to bewitch everyone around her despite she never spoke too much, she were thin, but with good shapes and had one middle length, when I first met her still at the shape of parasite and ready to penetrate and to dwell into her body, I was enchanted with her way and knew that probably her body it would be my better and longest dwelling; I even tried to make some questions to her before the change of veils, but my father cut me  off and remembered me that I was not supposed to speak with my receiver human body before everything begins, I did not like that but I knew how the main laws of Gray work, then I simply gave one nod. The body of that girl did not disappoint me at nothing, it was really as I thought, confortable, cozy, welcoming and wonderful, at two or three days at maximum, I was adjusted and lodged into that safe heaven and I don´t know why but it was so perfect as the affections and whispers of my mother, but now that Mako´s gone I have sure, he´s my true home and life.

-do you think I am wrong for think of Mako? – I asked to Coco.

She stops her work and just looks at me.

-No, you are wrong for wants to keep thinking of him- she answer frankly. I always admired Coco for simply speaks the truth, but I think that when she penetrated and took possession of that black woman, the things stayed even blunter.

-Coco, don´t you understand? I love Mako and I only want him near me – I said turning away from the front of my mirror to face her and her judging, politically right and dispassionate way to see the things.

-you should not, Ranny Árnia, he went away because he wanted to – she said releasing from her hands, one veil of one human woman with brown and curled hair – he´s much more Tonda than he´s Spemin, you can believe in me, he does not belong here, he went there because he has one identity with his people, rather serpents – she finished grimacing.

-No, Coco – said Árnia louder – he went there because he wants… Árnia cut off herself when she realized she were speaking to much and turned away again just to face her at the mirror.

Coco came closer of her and touched Árnia´s shoulders.

-what does he wants? She asked, but this time, softly and gently, as one proper best friend and confident.

Árnia bite her lips.

-I cannot speak, please, forgive me, Coco, you must understand, it´s just between me and Mako – she said sadly and touching the hand of her veil changer.

-don´t you see? There´s nothing more between you and Mako, the mister serpent has gone where he belongs to and unless you or Mako has the ability to read thoughts and communicate between the minds, you will pass a long time without know the whereabouts of each other, if not forever – she said with an certain harshness and taking off the hand of Árnia from hers – now, if you will excuse me, I have other works to do, but your bath it´s ready, the pool it´s very dirt and contaminated as you like and I am sure you can take off your veil perfectly without me, later I come back to help you to change your veil and put on the accessories to your ceremony. – and without wait for one answer, Coco took her leave, leaving Árnia alone and now confortable to think as much as she likes.

But I wanted to speak more with her, Árnia thought, if Coco were not so stubborn and strong-headed sometimes… but I think she may have reason this time, I do not have especial powers to do nothing and Mako as well, but this is terrible simply think that my link with him it´s broken.

Well, perhaps I cannot read his thoughts, neither him mine, but if I try to do exactly what I did at the trial-feast, it could happen and could work once again! But the problem it is that I do not know very well how I did it, maybe the power of my love for him, maybe it was one invisible connection that existed between him and me but for strongest reasons, it had to be pull apart, it was for Mako´s life and safety.

 Each inhabitant of Gray is depending of me to keep surviving and reproducing through the receiver bodies of hostages, that´s why Coco called me Ranny that mean- the savior- to grant one safe and prosper mean to reproduce and then stretch through the whole world, new Spemin, one new generation because the world still have one lack of inhabitants since the last year when many microbes still at the stage of evolution, died when were about to pass from their pollution containers to our milieu; that´s why my father wanted to extinguish the law of the hostages at once as well, so the Spemin could stay at Gray and proliferate properly at the matter of a few more years,  so avoiding one probable shortage that could happen at any moment; but of Mako´s own free will, he volunteered to go to Mortuary and when my father refused, he told to him and each inhabitant of Gray that were at the feast, his secret past, the origins of his birth, father, mother, everything. When father asked him how it could to be possible, one Tonda with one Spemin? Reproducing together? He said he never had ever seen all his life nothing compared, especially because Gray used to send hostages to any world, but receive hostages only from the Earth, so we could penetrate into their bodies as parasites, it always was so, for many years, but Mako made no answer, I don´t know If because he did not know how to answer that question or if it was just one more secret too, I confess I was surprised, it was too much information for you absorb only one day, one moment actually and I am sure that the impact of that new, it did astonish and affect the entire Gray, and to don´t raise up suspicions, I pretended I did not understand and was much more confuse than anyone there but I heard many Spemin gossiping  and whispering one to another, many dialogues it was just inoffensive, but some was accusative and enraged and some courageous ones even shouted:

-traitor, treacherous serpent!!

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