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-Don´t speak nonsenses, Lofos – almost screamed Kratos, at the verge of a collapse – he cannot be dead, my daughter is inside this element, we must awake him so we can pull Árnia out from him, as soon as possible, her life can be at danger.

-but don´t forget that she got into him at her own free will, Kratos – said Lofos against him- that damned serpent wanted to kill me with his bite, but before it Árnia simply got into him as if it was the easiest thing, tell me, how could she does it? – demanded him.

-I still don´t know, but we will find out, of course we will – bellowed the main parasite with so much fury and craving that it almost made him swallow his  black and hairy mustache of human being – let´s get a closer look at Mako.

-I go with you, then – quickly said the white-blue virus, accompanying Kratos by his side till they get there.

Mako kept at the same position, as if he´s dead, fact that still surprised and afflicted many Spemin, and speaking about them, the gray inhabitants came back to gossip and whisper one to another, of course no one were shouting offensive or wicked things but the desire to go on with questions and exclamations, it was still strong and obvious and the doubts about this possession it was like the very parasite that entered into their minds and was dwelling and turning over and over again, never stopping, never ceasing.

When Lofos and Kratos came closer Mako, both of them kept staring at him for more minutes and then Kratos with a suspicious, irritable and annoyed look at the same time, bent over Mako to look at his eyes, probably to try and find something peculiar or resembling Árnia but with failure because Mako´s eyes it was now a mat and dark green, without brilliance or light.

-we must take him to chambers, and later go to make a visit and try to find out something, I think that unfortunately right now we won´t know anything, he is too much motionless and without senses – said Lofos to Kratos that only seemed to give a nod, afterwards Lofos bent over Mako at his side and touched softly his stretched hand – he´s cold.

-cold? – asked Kratos with a certain strangeness and then he began to reflect – but the reptiles generally have the slayer cold, is not it?

-I think so, probably the boiling of reptile it is still at full speed inside him- he said let the hand go – if not your daughter, we could take advantage of his situation to extinguish him at once – he whispered to him so no one else could overhear.

-I know, now I know that Mako is a traitor, especially after what he tried to do with you, he were about to kill you with those fangs of his – he said and let out a miserable sigh – and my poor daughter offered her own life, even that to help your life, but…

-my life? – asked Lofos with puzzlement and fun – of course you are wrong, Kratos, your daughter did not do it for me but Mako himself, I saw everything, she were about to take hold and restraint him so he could not attack me but something did not work and she got into him instead, Árnia never liked me but she loves Mako, you know very well, she always loved him even knowing that he´s a serpent, she tried to stop him and prevent him from doing and being what he really is, his true nature, Mako is a danger to Gray and if he wants to go to Mortuary, come back to his snakes, don´t try to stop him, if I were you, I would give my consent and put an end to it, what you must do it´s: pretend that you saw nothing and act normally with him, act like his friend and cordially say that you consent to his departure, that Gray will always welcome his return if he wants.

-but what about my daughter?! – almost screamed Kratos Bactus again and forgetting that they were whispering – and what if it was a trick so she can go with him?

-firstly let´s take him to the chamber, okay?

-right – said Kratos a little impatient, but agreeing with his proposal; both of them raised up again and turn around to face all the Spemin.

-well, very well, inhabitants of Gray, I thank you all for your participation and presence at this feast, but now the meeting it´s over and you can come back to your business, reproduction, germination, parasitism, whatever it may be, finally, thanks, thanks – finished him quickly due his impatience and anxiety to solve this problem and set his daughter free.

While the Spemin were leaving the square out, some with an enraged and curious faces wanting to go with them to pry into there and gossip a little more, others with doubts and a little of panic still impressed at their faces for Mako´s condition, the boldest and talkative Spemin made his pronounce a last time.

-and I never knew that existed vampire lizards, did you see those teeth?

When each one of them had took their leaves, leaving Kratos and lofos alone, they looked at each other without any word, afterwards to Mako and Kratos turned around to call help.

-please, Hexiom, Lexus, help us here with Mako, we need with some urgency to take him to appropriated chambers, of course that as a sick person, we should take him to the flora square, a little of alive organisms would not make him any ill, but how my daughter is with him, I cannot and won´t let Árnia, the savior of Gray to be exposed at that place.

-I think that Mako would prefer devour the organism´s owner, probably – joked Lofos Muris behind him.

Kratos gave a little smile.

While Hexiom and Lexus were taking Mako and dragging out, Lofos and Kratos began to follow them till the chambers, Lofos Muris always with his calm, indifferent and imposing appearance and his clasped hands at his backs but Kratos as father, worried about Mako´s body and one time or other stretching his head to the side so he could see better if Mako gave any movement.

-be careful with him, please – finally said him with a surreal agony – my daughter´s inside there.

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