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But that time, everything changed and quickly Jon were up and peering out through only tiny slit to know what was going on; then he saw, not in his dreams, but his own eyes and very awake, thick and huge green roots growing up and getting out from that same floor that was impassable, he couldn´t believe! And the roots was growing and festering so fast that he hardly could mark its speed and shapes, after some moments, the roots was getting turns all over his home as some kind of shield and it was so thick that was impossible see through the outside of the home. One flash of hope flooded up his heart, what if these roots were meant to protect him and Eliza? Protect from that false king and all of his, was that finally the answer of God to him? Or he meant to speak something more? Something he didn´t know?

Suddenly he heard the surprisingly fast and reverberating footsteps of another people

Or things… invisible men.

They´re coming to finally remove us from our own houses and turn us some puppet machine or robot with chips into our hands, skin or heads and bend the knees to that monster king. Thanks God that you´re with me and my daughter, or we never could escape from that, thought Jon.

When the mutations at length had come at the front of the house, they only stayed motionless, looking at each other and afterwards looking all over them as if searching or trying detect something suspect or out of place, meanwhile, Jon, never taking his gaze off those invisible men from inside his home, peering out through the slit that was the only mean to see and know what was going on outside, it was impossible to see anything with the door closed, the home only was translucent to those people that saw it from outside, but somehow they were not seeing him, other strange thing! Was that possible he were invisible? But if so, what about Eliza?

But suddenly another fast and ready thought penetrated his mind

Oh God! The green roots! Of course that´s it, they don´t serve only as one shield, but one as one protector and invisible mantle too, that´s why they´re not seeing him neither Eliza, even the home!

But that joy soon ended up, because Jon saw one of them raising up his hand and pointing exactly to the slit where he were staring at them from; one terrible tremble and shudder began to rush up through his legs up to his heart, the sweat trickling down at his forehead and he didn´t even blink. He gaped but his voice and scream detained into his throat; then he saw one flash of light shining above the clasped fist of one of the invisible men aiming forward his eye.

Oh God, that´s our end indeed.

And then the shout…

-father!!- Screamed Eliza from behind him, she only had time to take hold of her father by his back, the explosion came and everything they remembered after that, it was they falling down, every second, faster and faster into one black hole that seemed engulf them as one famished beast, their scream ringing and echoing off up through the huge hole, one scream at unison, despaired and full of doubts and whys.

Their fell straightforward into one scaring darkness and there remained for a long time.

But then thanks God, the darkness appeased and Jon saw one light at the end of the tunnel, he alluded one smile, no no, he thought, it’s just one slit as that one of my home, but it can have many meanings and he´d begin to search them.

When Jon began to move his fingers, hands and feet, he felt one unbearable stab of pain that was exploding through all his body and head mainly, the feeling was terrible and he were one old man, he wondered that fall didn´t kill him, even the slight movements was too much to him, but even so he closed his eyes, counted till ten and then meant to get some bolder motion as placing his hands on his mouth or chest or check if he had got some injury, bruise, something like that; but was impossible to see anything laid down, then he made to sit up and at the first attempt, his backs screamed with pain and he fell down again with his back to the ground as one heavy potatoes’s bag.

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