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And he didn´t. but Logo was a very good time raised up as one fool human being, then he got down on all fours again and felt better, that´s my nature, he thought relieved.

It was the black of the night but that would not mean that all the Tonda was asleep, Mortuary it´s a world that live upon the shadows constantly, here there´s no light, sun or any other mean to shine anything, the night and the darkness it were the loyal, constant and eternal partners of all of them, the darkness it was their second skin, their second scale and that enabled them to be elusive, slinky and dangerous when it suited them, namely, the entire time.

The only exception, Logo thought, whereby they are not storming and sneaking through Mortuary´s swamps and puddles, it´s because probably they are hunting inside the Mortuary forest itself at the search of fishes, little or big, tortoises and another careless preys, swallowing with a single bite running down through their feral bellies, delicious and appetizing meals or sometimes, just swallowing and holding the meat inside them to vomit it all out afterwards as one gift to their spawn waiting for them while bathing into the dirt lakes and trying to make their first hunts, little prodigies, Logo mused, so young and even so, wishing to hunt and show to a good and gaunt piece of meat, who´s boss, on the contrary of those weak and craven human beings, Logo thought as if it was just yesterday, the first hostages coming into Mortuary, so terrible and scaring as one little beetle, the first ones even tried to hunt something but they had not good and sharp fangs, an accurate and unrelenting look, paws so sharp and piercing as the very steel blade neither hard jaws ready to the attack, it was simply disappointing and even so, they wanted to show their abilities… of sure, it was not an impressive ability to pick up some sticks and piece of kindling and think that it could put some fear to the hunts at the forest, they can be the prey, but can be the hunter too, especially when they have sure they will win.

To begin, their “false hunts” was not properly inside the Mortuary forest as it was supposed to be, those careless and moronic men thought that simply could hunt at any place, that it never would matter, but it mattered and too much, but not because it could put fear at the youngest ones, actually they´d show far much more bravery and impressiveness than the fool foreign, but it´s because Mortuary´s laws say that´s the right way, but they never heard, even now I still think they were so afraid of the dim forest that never could gather all their courage up to even put their shadows into there, what made the things even more humiliating.

The name of the first one it was something like Jekui… no, no, it was Jakeu… hum, let me see, ah, Jake, I think it was Jake, I wasn´t remember very well because it was approximately thirty years ago, besides his name was quite different to our tongues and taste, but mainly because names of fool we forget quickly.

The “brave” Jake that was one terraqueous, did exactly what I said before, pick up some sticks and kindling and went ahead with that crazy plan of his to hunt at least an little tortoise amidst the swamps, pointless to say, the plan went to the hole, as well as him; when Jake put his legs into the puddle and with his attention completely on something to catch with his stick that was so tiny as one bird´s leg, both of his legs became stuck into some hidden hole inside the water that probably was made by Rame, an clever tortoise that liked to live into the calm and loathsome waters between the main swamps of Mortuary that time, she told me after that event, she were just making some holes to protect her eggs of tortoise almost at the time to break, the tadpoles would need some protection and shelter when the time comes, she were just taking care of her little children! Nothing more and the wretched came and almost spoiled everything if not that first hole that was empty and where he stuck his legs into, afterwards he broke his legs and made another attempts, but when his time ended, he begged so much to be killed that my fellow crocodiles made it almost with pity.

The second poor fellow came from Gray and actually he hunted nothing but fight with Smolo himself (exactly, the sullen and blue guard lizard of the queen) but I remember that scene as if it was today, Espirilo, it was his name( for those who don´t know still, the Spemin are the inhabitants of Gray and their interior and consistence are made by nothing, they´re truly slugs, bacteria and microbes that live depending of the “cooperation” of carrier bodies to make their external parts and reproduce, besides to have an more lovely appearance) the bodies which they most prefer take possession are the human being´s ones and Espirilo came with one face more stupid than ever, the man, rather microbe, said that he were not a good hunter and about that we all agreed, and then he asked one fight instead to the queen of serpents and that way to show that he could to be so skilful and fast as each one of that unfriendly and treacherous lizards, as ever, the serpent whispered something to the queen and she gave her consent, then the fight began.

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