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That´s what I do.

Quickly and deftly, I put my paws, one behind other and with my tail slashing back and forth close behind while I climb up the enormous and worn tree that´s sending straightforward my next meal, I even open my big and impressive-looking jaw that´s watering and my sharp and piercing teeth seems so shining as my eyes that´s an gleaming mat black, only black, black of desire and sure…

My sense of smell it´s very deft, accurate and developed, it´s located on my muzzle and has special organs, fit just to feel anything I want, when it was the last time I ate an delicious meat?

Wait, did I say meat?

-please, don´t eat me- said an unfamiliar voice, but calm and unchanged, amazing.

No, has something wrong here, very wrong, thought Logo.

-who are you? What´s your name? – I asked still confuse and wary, moving back with my paws and temporarily giving up of my attack.

-Mako… and yours?

-it doesn´t matter, what are you doing up there… Mako?

He begins to move slowly as if waking from some dream and look at both of his sides, wary, but still stay up there perched up at the top of the tree.

-well, I think I am not supposed to speak that.

Oh no! The Spemin man, of course it´s him, but… that´s not possible, how did he escape from the dungeons?

-You… are- I stammered even more puzzled and with my countenance, now calming down.

-aye, and you are far more intelligent than I thought… for one Tonda.

-especially because I didn´t see your face still, come out from there, come out from the shadows of the tree.

-it´s better no.


-you are a crocodile, remember? Till two minutes ago you were trying to kill and swallow me with that hard jaw of yours.

-of course, I thought you were one prey, one hunt to me, my next meal, I am famished.

-and did you give up to try and mouth me?

-I didn´t say that, you are a prey to me anyway, I am still famished and you are enraging me, don´t you realize?

A long silence fell down, of course he were deciding if he could show himself up to me or if it would be better stay up there hiding, probably from the guard lizards of the queen and the dungeons, I still could not believe.

-I won´t to try and kill you, okay? - I lied to see if it could give to him some courage, but it would not seem to work.

-just… just give some steps back, a few more; I need some space to get down from that tree- he finally said.

I obey and when at length I can see his image, I become more surprised when my suspects are confirmed, he has not a reptile´s scale or tail, he´s just the very resemblance of one human being, an very strange and helpless resemblance, but that´s it, he´s really the Spemin man that has escaped from the dungeons, he wants to run away and… would that possible he wants my help? No, it cannot be and if so, I won´t, I can´t, he must to be very mad to even think about that, I lied to him, I want to mouth him still, his smell it´s wonderful and attractive and the forest it´s so far away from here… with many other reptiles who fight and dispute territory with even to mouth a beetle.

When I look up at him again, I see it…

He doesn´t get down from the tree as I thought one weak, crybaby and fool human being or Spemin with the skin of one human being would do, he´s just sneaking upside down through the trunk of the tree till the ground, at the position that only the snakes and serpents could do, deftly and comfortably, only missed to put his tongue out as well.

When he comes by my side, I freeze.

-how did you do that?

-so easily as any reptile of Mortuary, I have told to your queen of the serpents, I told her that I am an true Tonda, I was born from one Tonda with one Spemin, but she didn´t hear me, she thought it was the very boldness of me to speak that way and preferred to throw me to the crocodiles, your fellows, as one piece of nothing and if not for that snake of her, I would not to be here now.

-but… if you really are one true Tonda as you say you are, probably you heard something that the wise serpent said to her, something at your favor, I think, to spare your life.

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