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Suddenly one intense desire to close my eyes and concentrate deeply into my perceptions and strong points, took hold of me, I think I never experienced nothing like that before, but despite it to be an new and unknown feeling to me, it don´t make me stop and oppose, on the contrary, it make me wish to know strange conceptions and even myself a little more, it provide me one deep and knowing immersion and it can even give me the gift of the most calm, pure and liberator ascension, aye, why not? I am a seven years old girl, but most of the children here are and they can make spells and know techniques that I have not an intimate contact yet, even Jeremy up there with his helpless appearance but that have faced one of the most powerful and legendary spells, of course he failed, but it is just a detail, no one is perfect, but we are at the road.

Slowly I feel something more happen inside the currents of myself, and I don´t know what to do with it, but I know it is happening anyway and it I cannot control, unfortunately. At length I feel a soft boiling inside me, I know it is not my belly rumbling, neither my heartbeats or just my nervousness that damage everything at this times, it is something more serious, indefinite and it is forming quickly as the power of seduction and imposing, whispering its soft and sweet words, as the voice of Nizara, but I have sure it have nothing to do with her, she´s still controlling the floating of Jeremy and even if she were looking at me, I would know if her compelling mist had working with me too.

I keep my eyes shut closed and my breathe begin to be unequal, ceaseless and heavy, this time despite all the training, techniques and spells, I cannot control myself and what´s going on and my fears increase even more when I remember that the other children and even Nizara are by my side, close to me and probably some of them even realized that something´s wrong with me, but what can I do? I don´t even need to answer this question to me when my feet instantly begin to take some steps behind all of them and I separate a little more, my breathe went on scaring and  maddening, and the intoxicating flow inside me it´s swaying and turning around with all its strength, hanging and trembling everything, it´s dominating me and not the contrary, it was not supposed to be so, but it is and I am afraid and complete, no one technique it´s working, no one powerful spell that comes to my mind work and then I begin to count.

One; my mind it´s beginning to open as large as that cabin

Two; my depth is chocking as the biggest stormy and enraged wave than I ever feel inside me

Three; my heart stops to beat.

At length I open my eyes and I feel them so bright, livid, strong and accurate as Nizara herself, I stock my gaze on Jeremy and I can feel him too; slowly and deftly my own and supreme flow begin to get out from me, it has the soft pink hue and it seems to me that I am the only person at this room that can see it moving straightforward Jeremy, I focus fiercely my gaze and flow on him and it get into his being.

I am flying.

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