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I thought it was just a dream or even the fearful unreality.

But no, it never could be possible, I am just a girl, a seven years old girl that´s learning about the mysteries, mists and mortal proofs now, how then some master, not-being or God could explain to me what I was living that moment?

Flying, I was flying upon the cabin of the bubbles and inside Jeremy! I don´t know how I could fulfill this act, but I did it and my eyes it was concerned with the colorful and imposing cabin before me and it was flying just alike me, with the difference that it had movement and I was just hovering on the air, motionless and more nervous than ever, that´s another important point, my feelings it was above Jeremy´s, as if disguising his and even canceling it out for some moments, well, long moments; with a precious and still unknown for me persuasion power, Jeremy put his head up to look around because it was my desire all of sudden, to realize what was going on with me, my partners, maybe it could just to be a magic or spell of Nizara, maybe it´s not happening and my mind still it is inside my being, my poor and weak being, it has to be true, on the contrary, I know I will get into a big trouble.

But what I see just make me desire scream and run away immediately; all my partners are at the same place they were moments ago and looking at me, or rather Jeremy, some with apprehension and nervousness as Bronce Kadu, of course, others with a forced indifference as her cousin, Neyk Moron that had folded his arms on his chest, looking tediously at me (Jeremy), the boy with the thick glasses amidst the group were not only motionless but dumbfounded as well, and kept alternatively looking at Nizara and me(Jeremy, again) as if he never had seen or witnessed such a magnificent spell before, the redhead girl that´s always excited and predisposed to learn and absorb everything at a matter of minutes, had raised an  clear orange eyebrow, but deftly disguising and hiding her little knowing smiles, I always had the impression that she seemed to know much more things that she seems to know, but only suspicions, don´t be ingenuous, Alexandria, the simple fact that she has the same appearance of Nizara when a child does not mean she will put her  orange-red hair afire and begins a revolution, or rather ascension concerning domains; the rest of the group keep at the bottom of the room, boys and girls with the black cloaks, now more silent with the display of power from Nizara and the beginning of the proof, but…

Where´s myself?

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