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“Mako, my love, please, don´t, don´t go away, I have saved your life once, but I won´t to be able to do it again if you go to Mortuary, it´s very dangerous” said Árnia in thought to Mako and softly touching his flabby, gray and apathetic face of parasite inside him, finally the connection had been made and they were together as just one and with their true and own appearances, as two Spemin, outside the veil that represented Mako it was very handsome, charming and attractive to the eyes, but inside it was completely empty and dark, the little noises and contractions of inside it could not get through the skin and go to outside, and the noises, dins and threats of outside could not go to inside, exactly as when both of them were made many years ago at the reproduction, it was happening again, mated and entangled into an noiseless and muffled wrapping with their microbes´s faces looking at each other, as two unborn babies still into their mother´s bellies, but Mako never once were her brother, the clever, charismatic and noble microbe had became her safe heaven and it no one, neither her father could steal from her.

But one strange thing happened this time, usually Mako´s skin it is hot, welcoming and reassuring, but when Árnia touched it once again, even as a microbe, it was cold, distant and melancholic and at that moment she did not understand why, but when unknown and intruder thoughts entered into her mind, the problems came back as an avalanche upon them, and Árnia that ingenuously thought they could stay inside there for good now that she has gotten that doing.

“I will come back” it was everything that he thought.

“oh, will you?” I thought but with a hint of affirmation. “you know, Mako, the dangers and the risks…

He did not cut me off but I felt looking into his completely blank eyes that he did not want that I think more and stupidly I obeyed him, aye because I should have finished everything, it was my duty to warn him about what was waiting for him outside, not only outside our world, but outside there, where we were now, happy and together, because both of us knew that we would not be there forever, even if we wanted to, that the circumstances or even my father, lofos and other Spemin would do it, but mainly and especially outside myself.

Now it´s his turn to touch my flabby, haggard and white slayer of parasite and I am daydreaming when it happens, Mako know that my scales isn´t cold as his and he loves to touch and caress me, as parasites, our tissues it has a certain resemblance but not totally, Mako have the gray and pale skin, his eyes it´s white, profound and close-set, his teeth a little sharp, but I never mind about it and he´s very thin and tall resembling a cucumber, even taller than me. My building it´s a middle one, I have a white and haggard tissue with some slimy slayers that gather up at my surface when I am very nervous or happy, as right now and I like very much to smile, but I have no lips, then my mouth resembles a menacing hole when it is open and stay completely invisible when it is closed, but Mako never mind about it too and then we are quits.

After many caresses and shivers at the same time (incredible, even with the tissues of parasites), Mako begins to soften and put a certain romanticism at his face, that´s my favorite part, but I feel afraid too because every time it happens, means that something more serious and irreversible will succeed.

“look at me” he thought.

“oh, the freezing and knowing gaze once again, the stare that know and conquest, that embrace an soothe, that love and break, countless choices that never abandon us, I imagine it would be so but inside there I still thought that to love, we have just one road to follow”.

I look at him and besides everything, it awakes inside me, illusions and fantasies, certainties that I never knew I had and the pinch of confidence that lacked to me, Mako knows exactly how to do it.

Afterwards Mako embraces and entangle himself around my fragile and warm body, that´s the way we were made, entangled, crossed and involved into ones another´s own imperfections and perfections and I only wanted that the time could stop, no genius can do it, neither Mako himself but our love´s strength.

Mako seemed to read my thoughts.

“The time will pass by; more veils will fall down, but never forget, the time cure and doesn´t destroy”.

What could he possibly mean with it? If my perceptions doesn´t fail me, I think it is not just a warning, but a long and true farewell, now I am afraid.

“I love you”.

Oh, perfect, Mako, I love you too, but I am even more frightened.


-you can leave us alone, thank you – said Kratos Bactus to the microbes when he, Lofos and Mako´s body had go to the chamber, when they took their leaves, he turned anxiously to Lofos.

-well, Lofos, I think now we can to take up again our dialogue, don´t you think?

-I agree, Kratos – said the evil virus getting a turn around the room and looking a time or other to Mako´s helpless and undisturbed look – but I must warn you that how the things has assumed a more serious aspect, it demands drastic and efficient attitudes.

-what are you talking about? It perchance has something to do with my daughter´s safety? – asked Kratos scratching his beard with a constant and nervous hand, he assumed a suspicious and irritable appearance and allying it with his own, rather superficial and harsh aspect of human, it makes him feral and unfriendly. Kratos have a veil of a man with a very small building, a round and gaunt stoutness, an enormous human belly that could shelter a thousand of parasites, a thin brown hair that run down through his forehead by tufts making a fringe unequal and disproportionate to his full-moon face, but on the contrary, his beard it´s thick, rough and a bulky tangled of brown hair that it´s so wild it sometime or other give knots and it coil up through Kratos´s fingers.

-of course it has and you don´t need to worry anymore because I thought about it too.

-then… you know how to pull Árnia apart from Mako? Don´t you? – asked Kratos as happy and excited as a child that has just know she gained a gift and trying to take his fingers off his beard, but without success.

-well,  I have it – completed Lofos Muris taking off under one of his countless slayers of pale and flabby cauliflower, a transparent bottle with a bright and red liquid.

-what is it? – asked Kratos, puzzled and frightened with the answer.

-Exactly what you are thinking, friend – said wickedly Lofos with a terrible and knowing smile – that´s a pure, intoxicating, degenerative and corrosive remedy… I can say that I borrowed it from a human hostage that came to Gray some years ago and…

-Lofos! But… but… it is almost as poison to us and you are telling me that you have it with you all these years? I am sure you know it is very dangerous and mortal, an anti-bacterial repellent, it can kill us, it can… - stammered Kratos almost suffocating with his own words and at the verge of a nervous collapse.

-I know it can kills us, Kratos, I wasn´t born yesterday, I know what I am doing, trust me, okay? – He carefully unfolds the cap of the bottle and sniffs the strong smell of the content to Kratos´s full despair – but not so easily.

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