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Thirty seconds


Sixty seconds

Everything suddenly fell down into one terrible silence, most of the mob its fallen down by their screams, but a few begin to stand and look fixedly to the screen as if awaken of one scaring and macabre nightmare.

The face of one beautiful woman display on the screen, one woman about her twenty-five years, brown eyes and brown hair, one skin so white and pale as the milk and one smile and stare, lovely and gentle.

The king and Megan exchange one look and then turn around to the mob again.

The king clears his throat

-and the chosen is…


One last thunderstorm ten times louder and stronger than those first ones through the seconds and that accurately and quickly get through the unshakeable bubble and strike one invisible man that was watching the front of the cage with the humans, the man fall down at the ground and die instantly.

The king and Megan gaped.

Oddly, this time, no one amidst the mob scream or shout or moan, they stay a little confuse and worried, but silent and looking up to the sky, looking for that thunder and to know if it was real or not.

Sebastian looked up to the sky too.

Then that´s it, I have one rival, he thought.


We were floating up through the space into a place called the sacred keep that actually was a true stone maze and if I look to my sides and rounding, I only can see God´s doings and such a wonderful lake that make me dizzy with its shine and purity, but when I look up at the black sky powdered with dotted stars and sometime or other flying by a falling star, I remember we are not alone, Eliza and I, there are many other evil and good people outside there… and I am not only speaking about Sebastian Dozel and other human beings, my wise dictations are not mine but it keep warning me this calmness will not last forever, the same way happened with the countries of the Earth fighting each other, not with the main purpose to fight and survive, but to survive and to be able to fight and destroy everything ahead, it will happen with the worlds, it will pierce and cut the black and emptiness of their hearts just alike this galaxy.

But the light of the stars will not spurt out…


The kingdom of Sebastian Dozel brought forth many changes that turned the life at Earth, unbearable to the human beings. Their homes were not their homes anymore, but intervention and control points, so that they could discover new plates and relevant substances outside at the black ocean, how they nicknamed the space.

The black ocean, the name of the empire and tower of the calls, discoveries, locations and chats with the beings, creatures, things and people of the unknown, now the known, it’s the base point of Sebastian and his entourage, but many times to discover and conquer different pearls and treasures, the best strategy it’s to move to each inch of the world and that were made, with their consent or not.

The task was left and entrusted to the invisible men, the main real guard, especially due their phenomenal speed that would allow them give one rotation all over the world at a matter of one hour, instead one year, not to mention that the left population was composed just for seven thousand people, it’s a cinch to them, but Jon and Eliza made not part of that count.

The day before that, the first faith was reborn after long years, through the lips of Jon, that prayed fiercely and devoutly as one Godly and mad man at the same time, till he almost begged and crawled for some peace at Earth and some ease, light and joy into their hearts as the first ones of his ancestry had done some millenniums ago, it could not be so different, his God was only one and he never would change, even that more millenniums and stories would pass by the Earth and then from nowhere it came…

God of light, love and mercy

What would we do without you and your desire to makes us laugh and live?

Only dust and no blow of life

It’s possible that even with our broken and torn hearts, we could crawl till you and ask for some comfort and breath to the infinite wars

Never light-years could separate us from you

And the moment would come when we´d ask for more and more

Before long the love and light were at our hands

The battles and enemies would fester and fall on us

The mission of your children it’s not over yet

And so the faith, here I am, my God

Asking for a smile of a child, a kiss of true lovers, a cry of a mother, a token of love, a proof of the restart of the faith and your blessings

To end these agonizing times and reborn the faith, the light blew out and we are into the complete darkness, blind and hurt, then come to save your children, your people and if necessary, make it all over again, through the next times and the times after those.

That same night, during his sleep, Jon was engulfed and immersed into the most deep darkness that he ever felt all his life, the darkness of his worries and concerns, never fearing most the tomorrow as that night and he knew that if he dreamed, he could bury himself into the ravage once for all or never open his eyes again, then he only waited; for all the sides that he looked, he only saw towers and palaces, buildings and one mortal emptiness, out and inside him, no flowers, no nature, no stones or water… he always thought about that and found himself asking questions, Jon was one old man already, aye, but since his birth he never once saw these precious elements of the mother nature, because since hundreds of years ago, the destruction began and the Earth seemed no longer the Earth, but the waiting room to the hell, with technologies and worlds after worlds, kings after kings, but not kings to save anything, kings to put an end at all the hopes and think about take possession of one world with power and domination.

He always saw the true elements of the nature and how the Earth really was perfect through his dreams, he stayed confuse, he never asked those dreams, didn´t know how deal with them, didn´t understand what all those images meant, mainly to him and became even more puzzled and dazed when began to imagine why God wanted that he saw all that and what to do with it. As soon as these thoughts filled his mind as usual, one strange, rasping and muffled sound began to play and rustle outside his house that didn´t seemed one proper house as all the rest of the houses, but one tiny white floating cell, floating because the soil was not made of earth or stone anymore, but one modern and intelligent floor, impassable and infrangible, this way, improper to build houses and buildings on.

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