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- The bubbles has its meanings- went on Nizara with her innocent angel´s voice- the clear blue one, calm, appeased and bearable, the showy orange one, imposing and domineering, the blood-colored red one, destructive and mortal- she said emphasizing and detailing very well the last word- the rest of the translucent bubbles floating into the cabin mean the contrary emotions, namely, those ones that appear at our senses unwanted and unwelcome, that we make an great effort to remove it away, but with failure… when those ones touch your skins, will happen a momentary blockade into your hearts and vital organs, but very quickly and only if you couldn´t to turn it away from you, don´t worry. The clear blue one mean the sensitivity but mainly the tolerance, it mean that when this bubble touch your skins, an sequence of memories, feelings and a lot of things that personally touch and have a profound effect on you will outcrop and awake inside your real and weak beings, it depends of your control, domain, strength and everything you have learned already so don´t let these emotions show and the tolerance will appear still and the orange one only will make your brains an great blur, but if you do…

She didn´t finished the sentence and a shiver rushed through my body, this time I have sure I am a little afraid, but I cannot let it out and I won´t; however, I know the others are astonished too, I can feel it and I don´t even need look at them.

Nizara didn´t speak about the blood-colored red bubble too… I don´t know but my sixth sense it´s telling me that something has to do with other, I didn´t like that.

That the immunity and the control be our shield against it and protect us.

-being so, I will begin this proof now with you, pay attention because I will call your names and then the called will take a step forward, as your master I could ask to get ready but mainly as one glorious, seasoned and unreal being, I will prefer ask to get control- once again, she stare with that profound and scaring gaze of hers, one by one and then finish- so be it, let´s get started.

I squint my eyes, put my head down and follow Nizara´s instructions about get control, but it is a thousand times worse than just get ready, there´s no one manual here about it, that´s only between you and yourself.

When Nizara speak loud again, her voice it´s not angelical and sweet to our ears anymore but awaited and stormy.

-Jeremy Randon!

I put my head up once again and automatically I stare at Randon. He´s not moving and pronouncing something at his lips anymore, but motionless and with his eyes wide open as if his name wasn´t expected by him right now, even so I cannot say that Jeremy is frightened and trembled as Bronce, I would say that he´s alert, aye, that´s the right word, he´s alert to everything that can and probably will happen to him into that cabin, we all actually.

Jeremy hesitantly take a step forward, we give way so that he can pass by and automatically all of us look at Jeremy at the same time, some with indifference, others with an certain effort and neutrality as Neyk and myself, but Bronce Kadu is looking at him with (I haven´t sure, but I think) a mix of pity and relief as if she had said “better him than me”.

When Jeremy got through us, he stay at the front of the cabin, looking fixedly at it as if it was some terrible and invincible monster that needed to be destroyed and annihilate as soon as possible and to prove that, instantly afterwards I see him closing his fit and I didn´t even need look at his face to know that he were hanging by a thread and somehow, nervous; but it was not only me, Nizara seemed to notice it too because before he take other steps forward the cabin, she stay at his front and call him into question.

-Jeremy Randon- she emphasized slowly, her hair more bulky and agitated than ever, her eyes, two bright and knowing balls, her hands clasped together under her white-skin mantle and her face, neutral, merciless, uncompromising and her phantasmagorical white expression, more unreal impossible- I warned you too, where´s your control? She demanded now with a firm and determined voice.

Jeremy looked at her and the cabin at once countless times, as if more nervous and confuse and to don´t get into trouble, he unmade quickly his closed fit, clasped his hands together and put it at his front, afterwards he stared at Nizara with his head a little down and tried to calm and quieten his worried appearance, this boy really learn the things very fast, I thought.

-I… I was just thinking, master- he said hesitantly and looking at her as one helpless being.

- you should not to be thinking- she made a strange pause, but then finished- go into the cabin, don´t lost time, Randon- she turned to all of us now- you all were trained about the rules of the cabin, don´t let the translucent bubbles touch your skins, those ones are trick and can damage your vital systems for nothing but they are into the cabins just to put your true domain at proof and that´s why they are necessary, you must let the clear blue one and only that touch your skins, then afterwards the other bubbles will make it courses as it best suit them and as your performance with yourselves- she turned to Jeremy- get control, Jeremy and that the proof begins- afterwards Nizara stretched out her arm with the white and pure mantle above it still and with the help of one ancient and thousand-year-old spell she issued and let flow from her spirit and source, the compelling mist.

Wonderful, I thought, the compelling mist it´s the most ancient spell, but that´s why it is the most powerful, intoxicating, illogical and deceptive too. Only the unreal, imaginary and unbelievable beings can make this spell with that naturalness and complexity at the same time, glorious beings as Nizara that achieved her higher centuries ago and now has given us the magnificence to be present, to witness and to try achieve this glory too, to make us unreal beings, but real worshipers of our God Molam Zoya that at the beginning of the times, immunized his whole body just to resist to our own world, Maya and its bad weathers.

The legend says that Molam Zoya was born amidst terrible times at Maya, that sequences and sequences of spells, magic and stormy mazes through the world it was the main doings of the first inhabitants of Maya, the conception and doctrine of the unreality showing its idealism it was not very mature at that age and the best masters, conjurers and apprentices of most spells and techniques we know and try to follow and execute, engaged in daily fights and incessant searches, always willing to find the higher and the excellent ascension that would allow them to be their own master and to improve their powers of persuasion, hypnosis and illusion; but it didn´t work because they felt too much, thought too much and dreamed incessantly with the most glorious power and the way to control the world, but they forgot to reflect that one person cannot control nothing if that person couldn´t even control his own being and nature, it was their worse mistake and this same mistake they followed till comes Molam Zoya that was the gift of Ghirá, that were the perpetual hypnotist and the center of the two sides, the controller and the controllable, Ghirá could do what no one else could, he could absorb the halo and the impassable flow with the spell known as the compelling mist, the most famous and archaic magic that was made by Ghirá himself. The spell consisted of raise up both of his hands at the level of his chest as if to be on the defensive and afterwards with the help of his techniques of hypnosis and mental control, to get into the minds of the controllable and demand that his halo were released to him, meanwhile his hands was releasing too, exactly the compelling mist, but Ghirá always said  that the internal halo was so hard, tough and impossible to cross as one own strong and thick wall, because it was too much intimate and one simple magic never could separate it from the body that easy, neither if the owner was very weak and ignorant, then he used the majestic and transcendental steam, transcendental because to Ghirá, it took one eternity to produce and adapt and without the right pace, the necessary care and the advanced sense of real and unreal, healer and mortal, just illusory and risky, the consequences could to be very dangerous and menacing even to him, but with that same steam, the gentle, soft, welcoming and hot flow could penetrate into the depths of the being, deluding and disguising its real meaning and without haste, sheltering slowly the fragile and strong halo at its hands and then, put it out.

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