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You really begin your rising, at the age of seven, namely, where we are right now, both color of the beginning and even now, it´s the same black, but now we will really practice the techniques and truths we learned when younger and it´s now the true proofs comes.

After that level, you pass by the glorious journey where the disintegration will accompany you through your  whole progress along the next years and surely you will leave your real parts and limbs behind, to come the mortal proof, but it´s only at the last level and end; but you don´t change your color from black to white all of sudden, the colors will soften and brighten up along the years, firstly comes the black, our color, afterwards comes the gray, then the dark brown, the clear brown, beige, skin color and finally the white.

Despite i know our color it´s fair because we really are very inexperienced, naive, helpless and weakly real beings, sometimes i feel or completely monster or completely weeping, stupid, slack and half-wit with that color, actually, Bronce Kadu would deserve that color much more than me or Neyk or even that boy of the books and spells, he may to be confused, clumsy and awkward but at least he show he´s dedicated and wants to control his mind and feelings as soon as possible at the precocious age of seven; if i were Bronce, i would be careful because here at the domain, neither me or Neyk or anyone else can help her to face all is coming, as a matter, i have one slight feeling that she still has into mind, to count with Neyk, by her stares to him, but whichever may be your familiarity with anyone here inside, it stay outside, whatever may have happened at Maya, it stay at Maya and not here, then Bronce will have to deal with her personal dragons all by herself, you cannot to be completely an unreal being if you still have marks or traces of your old condition, body and mind, after all.

Nizara turn around to face us and we stay silent to hear her words


- here, i introduce you all, to the cabin of the bubbles at the bottom of the room and it will be your first proof, not only as token of courage, but disengagement as well and with the main goal to separate you from all that have left outside the domain, when only babies and little children and without it, you won´t be able to process and  absorb the techniques totally, never forget it, you don´t have to deal with your weakness and ruptures, but remove it away step by step, till you find yourselves at the highest step at the stair and had to remove your bodies away, that´s very hard as were to me, and that´s why i am warning you while you still are the beginning- all that, Nizara Blank spoke with neutrality at her face and expressions and always with her hands, hidden under her mantle and clasped together, no one smile, no one rise of eyebrow, neither one blink of the eye, an face so alive as one white board- the translucent cabin has many colorful bubbles and all of them has one different color and meaning- Nizara went on taking a step to the side so the ascendants can see better the cabin and pointing to there- when each one of you enter into there, you surely will want to stay the most distant from each bubble because the explosion which i mean to, it´s not about burns or damages, fires or destructions, but the horizontal and vertical explosion, the explosion of the feelings, gushing out from your face uncontrollably, that´s the bad explosion, the horizontal explosion, or down as i prefer call it, and the good explosion, that´s the explosion of your mind, removing away all the remains of good and bad memories, traces or signs of everything of your weakening and narcotic lives of pains, deaths of the spirit and soul, the vertical explosion, up and of course, it mean higher, higher forward the glory- she stops again just to see closely our faces and expressions at that moment and i take advantage of it to see others too while she´s not watching me. At the mention of the name explosion again, Bronce began to tremble again like someone at the verge of one hypothermia and her eyes it´s wide open, i vaguely realized that she looked at Neyk again and i don´t know why but i prayed Nizara had not seen that, but if she did, Bronce will not have any unreality, but one reality and a very bad one. Neyk isn´t with his position of thinker anymore but with his hands down, clasped together and at his front, by his neutral face, Neyk´s trying to imitate the same indifferent and expressionless appearance of Nizara and i could say he´s doing well if not his restless hands that doesn´t stop to move one moment, one clear signal of nervousness and obviously it only shows that he´s still the same real being as anyone of us. The boy of the spells is Jeremy Randon and he´s motionless as everybody but his mouth it´s moving however, his eyes seems to me lost and wandering and he´s watchful but heedless at the same time, when I concentrate very well to understand I find out paying attention at his lips, Jeremy´s probably trying to memorize everything Nizara is telling us, that´s the only clear reason, of course it is. The rest of the ascendants either are motionless and apprehensive by the first choice to the cabin or they are silently chatting one to another, I have to admit it´s normal, this is our first great proof of rising and as children and real beings still, one cabin called “the cabin of the explosions” it´s not that welcoming and reassuring thing.

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