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I keep giving turns and turns around the black ocean that now it´s not so black anymore but more colorful with hues of a bright white of the stars and its constellations forming different images that I can easily recognize as Orion, and its shape of a hunter by Orion´s constellation with the stars three Maries at its better illuminated joining. Ahead with the impressive speed of a million light-years away per minute of my bionic eyes, I find my favorite passion that´s the bigger and blacker hole that was discovered by me some years ago, it has some hues of purple, red and orange too, and an incredible strength that sucks the light and other stars up through the galaxy, there, the gravity it is enormous and even myself, the proud creator have to be wary and careful so I don´t have my essence sucked by it, I say essence because I am not into the galaxy, with my body and real presence, just my essence, as a hologram materializing into a different and incompatible space from yours.

I nicknamed the glorious hole of Bennet, and its dimensions, length and depths has exorbitant standards, nothing compared with the false perceptions you have when see, with a naked eye or even the bionic one as my case, the depths especially, because the black hole it is very famished and swallow many stars constantly with molds in spiral that keep swaying and thickening its imposing structure that more resembles a colorful sunflower when at full speed and its stone into the center of it, finding and trying to annex its shapes with other mass to complete the true course of a true being.

If the things keep going on this way, at a very near future, Bennet will be able to swallow even the worlds with its insatiable hunger for mass and solid corpses through the galaxy and who know, my new son will born from this bold and clever doing. Sometimes I found myself comparing me with Bennet, it is just alike me, wishing to prevail over everybody and to increase its supernatural stretching and domain, never worrying about any one´s interests and desires and the supremacy it present into its conceptions.

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