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-what do you mean?

-this little glass has at its contents, a hygienic product that came from the Earth by this hostage and it is able to remove germs, microbes and parasites away from the human organism at a matter of seconds when it touches the intestinal flora because it has an powerful acid that´s familiar to the humans, but not to the microbes, it is used as some kind of internal cleaner and the effect its immediate and terrible to us… just a drop at the mouth and at seconds the human organism repel the germs away, but at our case, it is not Árnia that will be repelled and suffer the consequences but Mako himself, he will be repelled from Árnia and she will escape unhurt, but he…

-what? What will happen to Mako? – demanded Kratos anxious to know the ending of the story and reflecting about the advantages of this risky action already.

-he will stay weak, very weak, maybe he cannot resist… if you understand me – said Lofos Muris raising an eyebrow and with a diabolical smile.

-oh…of course, of course - completed Kratos picking the message up and giving a smile back.

-then, may i? – asked the terrible virus holding the bottle with his fingertips and showing it with all details to Kratos.

-make yourself at home, please, please, but make haste, we have no time to lose, I need my daughter back, she´s Gray´s savior and everyone loves her, on the contrary of Mako.

Lofos Muris approached of Mako  with a face of scorn and indifference, the body with its soft and slender outlines, the white-milk color even more pale and lifeless-looking, the green glazed eyes looking to the high, the sweet pink lips, now closed, but motionless all the same as the body that´s tough as the statue itself. Lofos came closer of him and with an accusative, imposing and cold stare and both of his twisted and blue hands coiled around the red-blood mortal repellent, he sat down near him and began to shake the bottle back and forth with its contents turning around inside and surprisingly noiseless, Lofos raise the bottle up at his face´s level and alternated his glare from the evil bottle to Mako´s face, helpless, calm and immaculate; when he touched his skin again just to make sure and see if his snake composition it was at his surface , he felt it had came back to be hot and cozy once again and did not like this surprise, after all, it could mean only one thing: that Mako finally would be coming back to his senses maybe and with conscience and reluctance, his plan it could go downstream, Kratos Bactus could hesitate at his decision and regret it with fear for Árnia, it could mean that he had to be quick about it before it’s too late, but when Lofos opened the cap of the bottle to put one drop into his mouth and put an end to it, something happened, well, he felt it happened at least while he were sniffing the intoxicating smell of the red repellent and deciding if he would put just one drop or perhaps two, he felt a grief and soft brush against his flabby and bulky slayer of cauliflower, it did not last more than one second, but he felt it all the same and the legendary and influential virus usually don´t accustom to be wrong at this things, luckily Kratos did not realize anything, the fool only would serve to hinder everything much more,  with total certainty, Mako is coming back and quickly, but not so quick as me, you damned, of course not, I will kill you right now and you won´t even feel it, just let the pure and corrosive liquid wash down through your false throat and we will see who will win this fight, now it´s my turn to jump upon you with the weapons I have.

But when Lofos turned his glare from the bottle to Mako, he got a fright when he saw that the green glazed eyes of him it was now looking towards Lofos himself when before it was looking at nowhere without aim, without expression or any movement.

No, you idiot, never mind about it, just do your work and put an end to Mako, it´s now or never, do it! Finish him!

-no! – whispered Mako when he finally came back to the surface and Lofos were almost dropping the entire contents into his mouth, the fright of his total movements and voice, distracted Lofos that accidentally let the bottle fall down at the ground and scatter its glass´s fragments all around him, just one drop touch Mako´s lips, but it did not entered.

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