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I have to confess, the man could be a weak, but at least were not so fool as we all thought, you could think that by choosing Vuni that´s the female of the three ones, you´d have done an right choice, but no, surprisingly Vuni can be so fast and vixenish as Smolo and the despicable Rohax, myself had the proof of that moments ago when the lizard female almost made me an strainer with her powerful and piercing paws, I could control myself but I don´t know what would happen if it was Espirilo. I said that at one fight Smolo would win Rohax and I told the truth, but it depends too much of his mood, well, of course his mood never change, it´s always that terrible black and sullen mood as usual but as many reptiles here at Mortuary, Smolo has certain weak points too, and if you know how to use that at your favor, the game´s over and besides, Smolo can be stronger than Rohax, but I never liked to stare too long at that dangerous and knowing eyes of Rohax, eyes that everything see, that have sure it can underestimate and put you at one level of weakness that it would be very hard to escape from.

But unfortunately and despite we even thought that could have one chance to recognize the first defeat to one foreign, the sly Espirilo lose because Smolo were so strong and concentrated as ever before, the poor fellow let out the opportunities and immediately got killed by Smolo; but Smolo didn´t eat him, he´s carnivorous but eat just some little animals and preys, not at the forest because the real guards don´t need to go to the forest to hunt, but by some special treatment that consist of an fit and daily ration to each one of them, most plants and green, but sometimes, mainly as reward, a gaunt and blood meat, but not of men.

He just pressed, choked and smashed the Spemin with his whip-looking tail, simply that.

The next that came tried still to do something to spare their dear skins and meat, but none of them succeeded, then the queen and her beloved serpent thought that it would be better simply throw all the foreign at the dungeon of the crocodiles instead than lost their times with an enormous circus and mummer show and that´s so till nowadays.

But that Spemin man, I really don´t know what to think about him, but… I even heard something that the gossipy snakes were telling, rather whispering about him, but coming from them I stay even more confuse, the news and informations seems to be far more calumnious and wrong than right and fair, if I am not wrong, he says he just so Tonda as each of us, that he has some blood and instinct of reptile and that he could prove that, but Grona wouldn´t allow that and this time he should to be serving as crocodile´s meal, but why he were spared and saved? Why that serpent whispered to her that he must to be saved? And simply put into the cell as one prisoner? But mainly, what the serpent said to her exactly? Something it felt or knew about him? Probably eyes, because that serpent does nothing without second intentions, would that possible he´s telling the truth? But if so, this story about one Tonda reproducing with one Spemin would have been revealed years ago, every one of us should know, so many secrets, that annoying tension hovering on the air, I wish I could to know more, but Grona together all the time with that serpent, it´s the very queen of the secrets, I know I never should ask her to trust me because all of us are so treacherous as our instincts allow us, but at least hear me more and let me hear her more too, this frustrating attempt to speak with her, I didn´t like that, but even if I was allowed to speak, it would not be alone, not completely, the serpent always will have one sacred place at her neck and lap, but at her feeling and thoughts as I had once?

With so many thoughts at my head, I became careless and muzzy for some moments, but I am a crocodile and my trail and perception never fool me, when I hear or even smell someone or something coming closer, even hundreds of meters away, I feel very well and that´s just the case, I have no time to lose, then I see one big cliff nearby me and get down on all fours I run with all the strength and speed that my paws could allow me till I find myself falsely safe behind something, just to chase with my watchful and quick eyes each movement around me, even the smallest of them, from the oscillate and swing of the water at the lake till the whip and rustling of the wind, from the loosen roots bending and twisting through the old and ugly trees till the fall of an single leaf…

Hum, strange, that tree it´s very old and ancient, but its leaves only fall down when…

I look up at the top of the tree… there´s something up there, and whoever or whatever it may be, I know it´s staring down at me too, but I don´t scream, I am a hunter and that´s exactly what I will do now mercilessly, hunt, because I am into a terrible and black mood, just a good hunt will appease my hunger and it doesn´t matter if I am inside the Mortuary forest or not, the swamps and lakes around me as I found out moments ago, it´s very peaceful and calm, no one will relate or say nothing, just that thing, if it escape from me, what won´t happen, of course.

With the time, my abilities as a good crocodile has increased too much, when young, I could only swim into the lakes and swamps, learn to hunt the smallest preys and fight with them as well, but when I grew up, I realized I could do much more, and I am not speaking just of fight and hunt the biggest preys, but climb too, climb up through the trees, that´s one thing I thought I never would do, but now I do, accurately and deftly as anyone.

When I put my first paw on the dry, cracked and thick trunk of the tree, I can feel my hunger and my crazy desire to mouth and butcher that thing as few times I felt at all my life, but I control myself, it´s an easy road, don´t worry, you will get there and from what I can realize, the thing must to be at least a little scared, because it´s not even moving, but…

Even more strange, I could not feel the fear into the depths of that thing, I could not smell the waves of panic and worry emanating from it, the feral and uncontrollable wish to set free and run away, well, of course the reptiles and creatures of the forest has almost no fear of me or anyone else, they prefer a hundred times to show us their skills and abilities challenging and defying us, only when they know they are trapped, they yield and the game is over, but that´s into the forest, not here where only there are smallest and less aggressive and truculent beings, to them, one crocodile´s attack it would be terrible and very scaring, but why not to it? And mainly what is it?

I send my thoughts away, I have no time to think, now it´s time to attack, put an end to it now Logo, please now.

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