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Dear chief of the tribe

I come with this letter to speak with you at a most credible way possible to treat of a matter that I think it is very similar and delicate for both of us, the peace and the clear understanding between Remen and its annexed tribes, your dwelling and territory.

Obviously, the whole world knows about the constant refusals, it referred to the countless asks and wishes of the king forward your person and people claiming the union once again amidst two atmospheres so unique and different.

 As Remen´s hostages you have to fear nothing, as I clearly know you fear nothing as warriors and precious fighters, defending your lands and everything you most worship and believe in, feeling something true and sincere on your way to speak and act, I, an inhabitant of Remen and exactly as you, with my premises and states of spirit, to reorganize my thoughts and clear objectives, finally come to the main concern of mine and yours as well.

How it is completely possible that Remen´s division can be so explicit and strong nowadays and another world was created and diversified at your important necessities and rights to make use of the natural fact to be beings brought forth wishing or not from your real worlds and reflected vivacity that was mirrored on your roots of craving and sweat, it is not exaggeration of mine to affirm that as brave and determined survivors, you only has taken advantage from what was at your hands that moment your agony and martyrdom began and simply as a warrior and deft race, to pick the fruits up from everything you have planted at the victory´s trunk even it being at a unfamiliar and oppressive space, I have to confess, up to know I never once had heard about this art before, but one thing I know it is everything it is built above solid stones and calm waters give results and bring peace, but what´s happening now it is quite different.

Disagree with me if I am wrong but far as I know, laws and rules, being it from the galaxy itself or being from the furthest world of it before the thousands of hundreds light-years away from the sun, it is a measure of the biggest strength and centralization of the power concentrated into the hands of the richest ones and never has to be accepted or adopted for any person contrary, strange or alien to it, and I am not speaking about people, groups and races that simply don´t want to be part or it or think it is a cursed exclusion or form of pretension according with the poorest ones, because it is due the plebeians at our case, but yourselves, the race that has to survive, that must to survive so it can go on and this terrible end cannot finish so.

I have sure the same way you behave and act here, you probably did at your true world, this is not a praise but a form to imagine that there´s not someone else´s shapes or minds into you but only those you let it to enter, once i am taught that the states of the spirit it can be as infinite as the stars but what belongs only to the heart and the essence, it cannot to be changed or replaced and it should be what govern and control ourselves, not power or external demands.

 I would like to apologizes being so misinformed about the name of your tribe and the hundreds of other tribes at your neighborhood and don’t misinterpret me because many things cannot to be achieved so easily, I cannot say at compensation that you don´t know my name, my being, nothing about me or anyone from Remen, with the wise and supernatural acknowledges that you have cultivated since the beginning of your times, what´s open as an injury it is superficial to the eyes but what´s shut closed and lost into the depths of nothing will perpetuate the same injury if it won´t find out sooner.

Even being the supreme and universal law of all the worlds to impose their commands and ways of life to the hostages, sometimes even condemned to the death, that´s not what Remen does and I affirm that the point of impact of these two “worlds” I almost can say, certainly does not allow that our lives and truths to fuse one into another, but to bring forth a common resolution to remove this shock away and it is possible, believe in me, but I never would be ingenuous to think it is  our eternal union, our world may seems to be the fairy tale itself but it is not and yours may seems to be the most violent, thirsty blood and wild one, but it is not as well because there´s always an extreme, a limit, a point of doubts, fears, furies and identity that will to characterize this same point of impact, this same shock and then once again nothing will happen, heaven or hell, just the same pretense, the same appearance, the same false peace.

Think about it or simply see… count the stars.

P.S; Greta.

Strangely when Margareth finished this letter, this name, Greta, appeared as if from nowhere into her mind and she chose it to be her pseudonym while the owner of the message because by using her true name of princess, Margareth Spark it only would bring discomfort, sadness and a sinister arrogance that she did not want to impose even being from the nobility, then simply Greta it was more appropriated to her.

Just alike her true name, Margareth did not seal the letter with the royal seal that they used to seal every time a letter was made and send from one castle to another mostly times to invite their neighbors to balls, parties, especial meetings and teas, the letter would go simple, at its contents with her sublime words and externally too, with the white, plain and common aspect, after all, the message had a purpose, it was the most simple possible, the intention and language as well and the two parts had to communicated mutually, on equal terms.

Actually, Margareth began to write this letter at the daylight and when she at length finished, looked at her window and saw the pale shine of the full moon gleaming up at the sky and hovering high, it enigmatic and beautiful as ever but this time without promises of good or bad things, just perfect its way.

Without more doubts, confuse thoughts or reflections, Margareth after long hours, simply shut closed her prepared letter and got up from her writing desk to cross over her bedroom and go to her window where she with some effort opened its hinges to catch, outside above a small straight and solid square, her favorite pet and best friend for hard hours, the royal white owl that she gained at her six years old birthday and that certainly would help her right now as well.

As custom of receipt and sending of messages, Remen adopted the majestic and wise owls to fulfill this task, these magnificent and clever animals was known and close from the Kings and queens already for many years, but only from a couple of years to now, they began to receive the title of carrier pigeon, rather carrier owls and it worked so much that kept so till the nowadays. The choosing of the owls instead the pigeons, it was because the owls´s flight it is much more accurate mainly at night thanks their deft sight that sharpen at this period (and mostly messages of Remen it was sent at night) and silent too (what it is even better due the fact it does not call attention).

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