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I was sat down by my father´s side watching Mako standing there at our front, shouts and screams all around us, nervous, confuse, disturbed, shocked and enraged faces and above it all, my father´s gaze hovering harshly upon Mako that seemed cold, indifferent and undisturbed before it all, the feast became one true trial, one trial to see and decide what to do with him, what to do with the snake Spemin.

My heart it was at my mouth and I could not control myself with so much sadness and pain because I was seeing it all and I was not doing anything, I knew if I tried to raise my own voice to help him, many Spemin would see it as one way of rebellion and I would not be their savior anymore, but just one more fool  female parasite that was taking part at Mako´s case; but I wanted scream anyway, not traitor, but I go at your stead, well, I think my father would prefer to see me as one extinguished parasite than as one serpent or the partner of one.

My father´s rage it was only increasing and I really did not know what to do at that moment to appease a little the things, that´s why I did what I thought could soothe him as his daughter at least, I touched his hand, not shyly or softly, but very tight, with all my strength as if I wanted to say “the veil fell down, but there´s one choice”.

This sentence it´s the supreme truth of Gray and it was created since the beginning of its existence, it´s one kind of war´s shout, one motivator motto that allow us make one value and to show to ourselves the different perspectives that hang around and rule the Spemin.

But it did not matter to my father that pull his hand away from mine, I did not know how I was feeling that moment, I did not look to my father but to Mako instead hoping that he could understand that I was by his side. To my infinite surprise, Mako´s gaze changed from my father´s to mine all of sudden, actually, just for one fast moment, but it was enough to me. I saw some kind of regret into his stare, not that kind of regret that mean grieve about what he´s doing, but that mean grieve about the consequences and a little sadness by the sacrifices, aye, I think that´s it, sacrifices, but maybe for us? Oh… whatever he must do at Mortuary, the reasons it takes and the time it last, I never could completely understand.

But then, he turn his stare forward my father again and there he kept it until the interrogation begins all over again.

-you may come closer, Mako – said my father Kratos Bactus, impatiently waving a hand to him.

Reluctantly, Mako obeys and gives suspicious, wary and slow steps through the gray concentration, that´s the main place where we, microbes, germs and parasites mostly stay, especially at our feasts. Obviously, the gray concentration it´s not one very clear place because we cannot to be able to afford to this due our real condition of parasites, but concerning the organization of feasts and meetings, we are always very organized and accurate.

The gray concentration it more resembles one big and dim hole that stay placed at the deepest and more remote square at our world, it means that approximately only fifty per cent or so of the world it´s inhabited by the Spemin because the other half has the sun to light up and to heat its surface, our race cannot takes the sunlight or the extinction it would be inevitable, besides, the proliferation and reproduction it would be more easy and fast with one internal, welcoming and foul dwelling.

We, parasites, only need of human bodies to survive, but to the germs and microbes only this place it’s enough; above our heads, at the green, brown and gray plasmas, you can find them playing into it all day along, actually, the place it´s suitable and intended for all them, children and adults, but the adults just like to get into it only the time enough at the day to provide their necessities and to fertilize with others, then they get out and the place turns the playground of the little ones.

After get through the gray concentration and come forth, but always keeping one considerable and respective distance from the disgusting square where are Árnia, her father Kratos Bactus and Lofos Murin, the most powerful, penetrating and relentless virus that exist at the entire gray and became one essential Spemin at our meetings by my father´s wish; actually, Lofos it´s one gaunt and plump blue-white slug that seems one cauliflower, eyes so thin that it´s almost inexistent and every time he speaks, his lips tremble ceaseless, by his arbitrary, strict and harsh way to behave, Lofos does not like to appear with one veil resembling the human skin because to him, it seems as if he wanted to hide his true being, but we all know that´s not the real reason, being one virus,  Lofos Murin is known as the sucker of immunities and it of course, allow him to have one incredible building even better than mine and my father´s to keep surviving by his own, actually, only the veil changers can show their flabby buildings of Spemin, but Lofos is the best friend of father and it changes everything, the nickname that he received, the sucker of immunities, he did not receive just for the condition of virus but because when he will, he can be so harsh, questions maker and tiring that it sucks and remove away all your obstinacy, inclination and good will to chat with him as Mako himself realized that day, I still don´t know up to now why my father raised him up to our square knowing how he is, I wanted so much to help Mako and I think that not only Mako but Lofos knew about my wish as well because every time he terribly spoke with Mako or asked him some mad or absurd question, I threw to him my most corrosive expressions and hatred´s stares, but I don´t mind, the whole gray knows that I love Mako and if I do, of course I want his good and safety, nothing more normal.

-may I have the honor, my friend? – Gently asked Lofos Muris to my father when Mako stopped before us and automatically raising up as if he had heard one consent.

-as you wish, Lofos – answered father with his most bored tone and hardly condescending to look at Mako.

-thank you – he said and then turning to face Mako – very well, Mako, afterwards everything you have told us here today, I still have some more questions for you and I think you would not mind to answer them for us, clearly and properly, of course?

-no, Lofos, I would not – said Mako, his voice as low and audible as one rustle of one leaf.

-I thought so – said Lofos opening a large smile through his trembled lips, probably one smile of gibe and superiority – well, as one legitimate and claimed serpent that you have told us you are…

- I did not say so, Lofos- cut off Mako that were with his eyes stocked upon Lofos, and his expression, sufferer, but serious all the same – as well as I can remember, I never said I am not one Spemin, it´s just that… wishing or not, I have some traces of snakes which ones I cannot close my eyes to…

-of course you have, Mako, we just need to look at your scaring and menacing fangs, those ones into your mouth – he said ironically.

Each one into the square began to laugh and bellow with derision and gibe, even Lofos, even Árnia´s father, everyone but Árnia herself that looked to Mako with compassion and pain, but Mako did not realize her stare because he were looking around him, each false and distorted face of one Spemin it was judging and mocking Mako, no one believed him and to everyone, his veil had fell down but the choice it had been throw away as well for him, the situation it was becoming even more terrible and Árnia did not know if Mako could get out from that square as a hostage or an extinguished.

Árnia put her head down just for a moment and then, when she raise it up, surprise and fear took hold of her, it was too much and the scene seemed incredible and startling, Mako should not to try do it, but he were and taking into consideration, the facts, events, charges and guilt heavy upon him, probably it would be normal and even compelling, attractive and desirable to a Tonda that… no, Árnia, Mako isn´t a Tonda, he´s still a Spemin, you must trust it, but what about it? I am not supposed to believe…

While Lofos Muris had began to talk again and was explaining to father and each Spemin Mako´s acts and consequences and what it would result besides influence into our rules, laws and way of life, Mako were behind him, looking at Lofos with fury and a mortal desire to do something but stand there, motionless and resigned to hear and shake his head, it was simply shocking, all of sudden the whole calmness and restraint of him seemed to have vanished away at a matter of seconds, moments afterwards that damned and nasty comment of Lofos.

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