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I stared for long moments from one bubble to other, trying to figure out what were their true colors and their meanings; there was one clear blue that was floating through the empty air so slow and softly that it seemed to me the bubble didn´t know where go to, neither where it was; the strong and bright orange higher than the blue one, making circles around all the others as if trying gather them all up and it could because many others were diminishing their spaces one from another and tightening and pressing very close as if completely glued; there was one blood-colored red that was making somehow, zigzag, not from one side to other, but up and down, slowly leaving it fall down and then all of sudden when it almost touch the floor of the cabin,  quickly and aggressively getting up again till comes to the side of the orange one. Many other were just making the same movements, others completely out of rhythm and leaving their own balance and measure guide them, but their meanings… what can it be? And mainly, what must we do with it? I have no time to think anymore because Nizara is speaking again when all of us got over the room, lined up.

-very well, children, here we are, the room of the bubbles as you can realize- before long Nizara began to speak again, she begin to walk back and forth, passing by all of us, watching us closer and staring some moments deep into our eyes as if trying to find some mistake, something wrong, some pain and remove it away at seconds; once when she look into my eyes, I confess, I became a little frightened despite I love her and her way of life, all her control and domain above herself, but she looked me with eyes so livid, so red, so intense and strong that it was like the very hot ember were afire inside me, consuming me, firing me and making me remember that I have to endure it, that´s part of my existence, my steps forward the higher I can go… but it fulfil me with guilt too, guilt  knowing that I am not so strong and clever, that instead of running away from that fire, I stayed motionless, inside and outside both, then that fire consumed me and I advanced nothing, I know she´s only helping us, after all, she may to be the consumer fire, but she´s the breeze that push us forward the real existence as well.

Nizara Blank it´s an great woman, not with a red hair as you can imagine, but with a blue and green hair that sometimes turn to white and red only when she´s very concentrated with something, her hair´s up, not down as ours and it raise up as some voluminous and ceaseless waterfall, always moving and swaying up, higher and higher as if with the desire to touch the sky and immortalize for good. One day I finally had courage to go and ask her what´s the right reason her hair to be up not down and her answer to my infinite surprise it was exactly what I thought, she said to me that each strip of her hair she got with her performance and total devotion and surrender to our millennial ascension of no pain and immunity, to an bigger surprise, she told me that she burned her entire hair accidently when she were eleven years old and had to prove to her master and to herself that she could to win a proof controlling the wind through her brain and it was very hard and difficulty, she told me it was only an proof that the masters and very advanced ascendants could fulfill, but she were not afraid, she was well trained and ready to anything could stain her being up and put her at an inferior place before the eyes of Molam Zoya, our supreme God and divine master of the illusions and fallacy. Nizara said that she did well and the wind, an specially recreated wind to the proof was obeying her and she had trained and prepared one long year to come there, that level and the wind was very strong and fast, it was beating and slapping at her face as one whip or the palm of someone furious and uncontrollable and she retaliated, but with calm and security, certain that she would win and that wind would have to bend before her as one obedient servant do when before his owner; she persuaded the wind with secure, soothing, gentle and powerful words, actually dark words she had learned at the book of techniques and magnificent and lofty spells to help the illusion and fantasy make its road through the power of the element.

And she got it.

But when Nizara Blank blew the finisher blow of the two sides or two margins as we prefer to call this spell, something went wrong, I don´t know if because she were very nervous at the end or if she uttered some wrong word or phrase, but when she realized all of sudden, her hair was ablaze, an red-hot firing and burning all her hair, but it was the wind that consumed her by the entire.

Afterwards, her master considered she could have used one or other forbidden spell to bend and domain the wind and then, Nizara Blank were expelled from the domain, she were bald, injured and terrible bruises and burns roamed her fragile body because she were just a child when it occurred, but she told she didn´t yielded and didn´t let her to be sorrowful about that, she just began it all over again, but a little far away from there.

Then, our domain began as well.

Despite I am very young, even younger that Nizara when she had to go through this, I feel I am very strong already, actually I began at the domain when I was four years old, namely, I didn´t even know how to read or pronounce my name correctly, but here I was already, ready and determined to begin my new existence, the illusory strength of no pain, no sufferings and the soul cannot rest, because if it does, it will be vulnerable and the external forces will take you down, smash and weakens you, that´s to be one being, but we are not one being, we are images and transitions of the illusion and perception, each time more surreal and shifting, always trying to find the higher, where no pain, no cries, no hurts and no mortal feelings can find and drag you down again, from that point on, you will to be closer to the forever and then, nothing can stop the unreal and visional.

The girl that cried moments ago is called Bronce Kadu and she has my same age, seven years old despite I think I am much more mature than her, when I had four years old and still didn´t know the arts and techniques of our domain, I confess I cried very much, I turned frightened with everything I saw before me, the colors, the magic, the spells and even my masters, but when I was growing up and getting used with this new kind of world and understandings always by my side, I realized that every time I showed I still was only more one being and not one unreality as those bubbles inside that cabin, I could start to deteriorate and damage myself, besides it only would work to shoo away all my bonds with my hidden senses because it´s them who will get me through the unseen, to cross over my own person and the master always realize you are an weak and one nothing, aye, because when you show your emotions you don´t show your heart, you just are saying that you don´t valorize and enrich all the effort you are making to worth it and the Maya outcrop on you, it just kill your essence and you will need it when the mortal proof come, not really mortal but deceptively, the real mortal proofs comes at the last level, when you have to let go your mundane and carnal body to welcome the presence of the being and not being, that´s the question.

The mortal proofs comes approximately at the age between fifteen and twenty years old, but depending how you performs along the years, especially if you enter at the domain very early, as myself with four years, you can come to that proof with twelve or thirteen, you can think it´s very young, but the sooner you can get through the unreality and the control, sooner you will be master of yourself, you will be the not being and being just for the eyes, will be a kind of transition and immobility, an time-out but that stretches for good and there stay swaying as Nizara´s hair, I like to say.

And speaking about Nizara, she may hasn´t said nothing to Bronce, but it´s why Nizara could get through the illusion already, she´s not annoyed and importuned with the worries, afflictions and wonders of that world anymore and she´s the illusion that moves now, the fantasy that teach to her pupils and still weak beings how to remove away and begins to disintegrate their qualities and inferiorities piece by piece, proof by proof, like step by step till the top of the biggest stairs, if you can win each proof, each moment of this deconstruction of the real, you go higher and stay closer to your rising, but if not, you go to the reality of the mysteries, one place at the lowest floor of the entire domain that´s destined to that ascendants that´s not achieving the freedom and disengagement of themselves, depending from your severance and weakness, the reality of the mysteries can be so dark and gloom as the very proof of the last level, none of us know what´s there inside and those ones that know because they have experienced it, don´t remember that´s the easier way to speak they were transited to the spirit of the truth, the powerful spirit that calls you and your internal eyes to the complete emptiness many a time per day, wash your early mistakes away and give you some extra control and focus to maintain your divine law of the domain, it doesn´t last too long and soon they are back once again here, but it´s better you give your maximum at your lessons and proofs, this way you don´t lost yourself at the half of the road and comes to the higher being a little one being still.

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