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Mako was speaking the ancient tongue of the serpents.

My doubts and confusions about him, it was much strong still, he´s the mystery itself with his past that reveals nothing but hide everything concerning the first serpents of the world, we were in a place of the Mortuary forest that neither myself knew it existed and it was himself that guided us till there with such an accuracy and instinct that made me surprised, just pointing ahead and saying “it is there, we just have to go straight”, I don´t know why he insisted on take me with him, he could perfectly guide himself even with blindfold, would that possible he´s using me to make his plans against Grona or someone else? If so, I cannot let it happen, but I am sure if I must kill him before the things clear out to me, neither if I want to.

A lost neat of snakes it was before us and hidden into the fang of the wildling alligator, one of the most ancient and seasoned reptile that lived at the beginning of Mortuary, namely, hundreds of years ago and had the black mat scales and vibrant yellow eyes, it was known as the demon and best killer of our specie due the impressive capaMako was speaking the ancient tongue of the snakes.

My doubts and confusions about him, it was much strong still, he´s the mystery itself with his past that reveals nothing but hide everything concerning the first serpents of the world, we were in a place of the Mortuary forest that neither myself knew it existed and it was himself that guided us till there with such an accuracy and instinct that made me surprised, just pointing ahead and saying “it is there, we just have to go straight”, I don´t know why he insisted on take me with him, he could perfectly guide himself even with blindfold, would that possible he´s using me to make his plans against Grona or someone else? If so, I cannot let it happen, but I am sure if I must kill him before the things clear out to me, neither if I want to.

A lost neat of snakes it was before us and hidden into the fang of the wildling alligator, one of the most ancient and seasoned reptile that lived at the beginning of Mortuary, namely, hundreds of years ago and had the black mat scales and vibrant yellow eyes, it was known as the demon and best killer of our specie due the impressive capacity to swallow at once whole animals, devour many a prey per day and hunt with a polished instinct that allowed them find out any movement or smell even with the closed eyes, it always was my favorite of my specie and a model to follow, I remember that when I was just a little new born crocodile, i used to escape at the black of the night into the swamps just to come to the Mortuary forest and chase after him and his partners, I knew they liked to hunt at night, different from the others crocodiles that took advantage of the sunlight to bask and to see better their hunts, I never liked it, I always thought the sunlight just would serve to hinder the things, shoo the prey away and it was a custom of losers, I never wanted to be a loser but a killer, a true hunter and the boss of the most dangerous forest at the world.city to swallow at once whole animals, devour many a prey per day and hunt with a polished instinct that allowed them find out any movement or smell even with the closed eyes, it always was my favorite of my specie and a model to follow, I remember that when I was just a little new born crocodile, i used to escape at the black of the night into the swamps just to come to the Mortuary forest and chase after him and his partners, I knew they liked to hunt at night, different from the others crocodiles that took advantage of the sunlight to bask and to see better their hunts, I never liked it, I always thought the sunlight just would serve to hinder the things, shoo the prey away and it was a custom of losers, I never wanted to be a loser but a killer, a true hunter and the boss of the most dangerous forest at the world.ery itself with his past that reveals nothing but hide everythingMako was speaking the ancient tongue of the snakes.

My doubts and confusions about him, it was much strong still, he´s the mystery itself with his past that reveals nothing but hide everything concerning the first serpents of the world, we were in a place of the Mortuary forest that neither myself knew it existed and it was himself that guided us till there with such an accuracy and instinct that made me surprised, just pointing ahead and saying “it is there, we just have to go straight”, I don´t know why he insisted on take me with him, he could perfectly guide himself even with blindfold, would that possible he´s using me to make his plans against Grona or someone else? If so, I cannot let it happen, but I am sure if I must kill him before the things clear out to me, neither if I want to.

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