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Be eternal while you last.

But I never will really can last while my conscience and nightmares keep haunting me through the days and the nights, the shadow of the past and the terrors of the darkness throw its curses and terrifying shouts upon my shoulders and wrap me up while devour my soul and transform me at a creature as malign and evil as the very ones that made a satanic ritual to deteriorate Demonto and Greta´s souls and I did nothing, myself, Robert Beckmont, the prince of Remen,  evergreen´s warden, the coward that have silently watched his parents´s death.

I cannot sleep, I decide while I toss and turn at my bed with my eyes wide open, looking to the celestial arcade at my ceiling, that´s a bad taste´s joke, completely, I never would consent to let them bring this chaste and magic arcade to my bedroom, to my sight, I don´t deserve it, never, this arcade that has a hundred of years, represent the fight of the evil and good´s creatures, controlling and winning the later, of course, with a wonderful richness of  details just to paint and detail the outlines, traces and perfect appearances of the radiant cherubim with their brilliant and illuminated buildings and golden-color hair, dazzling skin and the full white eyes that mean they have not falsehoods, cruelty and curses around them, on the contrary of the demons of the abysm that have their black and intoxicating mist wrapping and disguising them up with black magic and potions stolen from the sucked souls, their appearance of monsters awaking from the cage and captivity and trying to destroy the immunity and glory of their sworn enemies and angels of the hereafter, the black and empty eyes promising the worst and a waited and feared revenge afterwards that explosion that was the controversial and famous battle of the heaven and the hell.

But I feel myself much more into a true hell than heaven, to be honest. And after stare for long and dying minutes at that canvas-arcade, I need to go out from this torment, take a fresh air, always to get into another, inevitably, but I must anyway and that´s what I do.

I did not say before, but as a prince, true heir of the world and second warden, I live into a palace made still at the age of the first battles of the warriors and fighters of light and that kept its grandeur and splendor reflected at each piece of this place. This palace met many joys and happiness already, but now its image and aspect it´s corroded, faint and saddening.  Not only ourselves, but also our memories, good or bad, it stay lodged into our minds and try to give our death sentence at all costs.

Of course that as evergreen, we have no expiry date, we have no moment of agony thinking that our last moment it finally arrived and the death that seemed frighten us so much, it now mean our best friend and ally, we are not vampire, terrible creatures or something like that, but we began to live forever, but strangely it does not awake inside me any joy or feelings of power, self-confidence and impressiveness, on the contrary, it only make me remember all the things that I got through for and what I needed to do so that I could get here, just bad memories which I have no pride for and that inevitably kill me every day inside.

When I got up, I began to fumble through the darkness forward my mount garb that I will use, I don´t intend to go out there with this maroon bed robe, a prince cannot appear at public wearing unfit, helpless and childish clothes…

“Well… neither a warrior, do you remember your father, boy?” Came the treacherous sound of my disturbed mind, “He used to walk, fight and mount almost naked, without magnificent clothes, without jewels or a pathetic crown to decorate his head, nonetheless he had not a low value or were not esteemed by his people, the bright skulls”, the most fearless, menacing and valuable warriors that I ever have seen at my short life of a fourteen years old boy that have the burden and the tiredness of a thousand years old man.

When at length, I can find my appropriated clothes, namely, my tight white shirt, my beige cotton-made pant, my black high-top boots and my leather black mantle-cloak upon it, at the level of my knees, I realize something fell down from one of the pockets of the cloak, probably, when I stoop to catch it, its brightness focus at my eyes that it´s completely white due my royalty and immortality, a shine so strong that I don´t even need to look twice to see what is it: the cry of a mother and with it, the last tear of Greta, that´s why it is so shining and dazzling, the tear stayed tied into the great golden medallion over all these years and never more could get out, I press tight the medallion into my palm ignoring the heat and the potent shine piercing into my eyes, afterwards, with my medallion into my hands still and completely dressed already, I look forward my huge crystallized window and soon I identity the petrified forest at my front, the forest caught this name due it is the marking, the barrier that pull us apart, from one side, we, the evergreen, our castles, magic, curses, enchants, mirrors, silver unicorns and eternity, from another, they, the bright skulls, the great and on rise legion of warriors, fighters and superhuman skulls that don´t are alike us, they die, they are mortal, well, actually, they used to die till many years ago when the curse took hold of myself and the entire Remen and then afterwards, no one had peace anymore, everything it is a sweet illusion and I really don´t know why I thought it would be better for me and my family.

There, beyond the petrified forest, I can see the little points that mean the village where they live every day with more fury and craving to take each of us and if not kill, at least smash, kindle fire, stab and make justice with their own hands till there´s no more strength left into them, as an evergreen, I could say that´s only one more fairy story that I was creating just to spend my time or to perpetuate my legacy through my sons, grandsons and great-grandsons, but no… this is a great truth and it unfortunately involved myself and the people who I loved so much and I will not begin with once upon a time but…

When everything began, Remen it was a peaceful, centralized and mainly normal, I say it because at that time, there was not this thing of immortality and curses, everyone was mortal, including ourselves, that was the world of the kings, queens, princes, princess and plebeians, just it, this castle where I live in, existed at that age too, but I was not the main owner but the king Meron Spark and his wife, the queen Latisa, my grandparents that used to have a powerful and harsh control upon Remen but to make up for, they were very sweet and kind when it came to their daughters, the princesses Dona and Margareth, my mother. All of them lived into this castle, it marked for a destructive and slow ruin that never once abandoned the dwelling.

The plebeians and less benefited people used to live into small and humble villages, many kilometers away from the castles and palaces of the king and the richest ones, their neighbors for a point of order and class, their homes, at comparison, it was very poor, old wood-made huts, tumbledown and without any quality or comfort. But in spite of it, they were very happy at their way and the true love between them, it prospered too much, everyone helped everyone with their helpful, kind and blunt manners and thoughts of life, but what they never could imagine it was that a simple and inoffensive true love, just one, could change their thoughts of life and kindness forever, they would became enraged, bitter, menacing and vindictive people.

The control and kingdom of the king Meron it always was well managed and balanced, as a good and ambitious king, Meron worried about Remen, its buildings at ascension and inhabitants, wishing to keep the prosperity and glory of the world, increase the wealthy and precious fame of the world through the entire space and before other worlds and to stand up his reign and legacy, but he worried about the problems and lacks of the plebeians and poor ones too and usually he appointed meetings, assembles and counsels to hold saloon and hear them for long hours along the day, an exhausted and tiring job, but it was necessary to the balance and structure of Remen, Meron himself used to speak, if just one person, rich or poor of Remen go bad, everything stay ruined and the control may escape from his hands.

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