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Hello readers of the saga Angel!

I would like to thank all of you for the readings, votes e immense support that i am aware some of you are giving to the story. it is a pleasure to me write a saga that may have an old cliche as title but that pass and transmit a great reflexion about our doings today and in the future. using a religious, technologic, cientific and mystic background, Angel brings quite different atmospheres to tell a story, it mix up very known concepts about the life, death, magic and mysteries that cannot to be solved without the power of the love brought forth by Jon, Eliza and Halo, our sweet heroine that will constantly appear in the second book.

here finishes the first five whole chapters of the first book. these titles are the names of the planets of the black ocean, a very used nickname in the story to the galaxy. from now on, i will send parts with teasers of the main characters, some paragraphs of the next chapters detailing what is going on with the human beings and creatures. i am heartily hoping you all enjoy it because it is done with much love and effort.

finally, i want to speak a little about the comments. i am sure many of you love the story but somehow don´t have so much desire commenting below the parts. i want to tell you i understand completely your reasons, longings and maybe doubts, if you have any doubt about the story, only send me a message and i will have the biggest pleasure to help and detaily explain everything. i am just a young writer that want to have an enormous intimacy and contact with her readers, i try to make it by sending notes and even some discussions in the clubs because it is my desire speak with you but also hear, mainly hear.

anyway, i want to see you very excited with the next parts/teasers of the story that i will send the next weeks, okay?

a sweet sensation in your hearts.

Jeyne Miller

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