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The paleness of the Spemin it was being replaced by the scales and interior poison of the Tonda, the bright green of his eyes, it was becoming even brighter but with another hue that I did not know what it is, maybe some kind of yellow, not a golden yellow, but a pure and bright one, poisonous, accurate and lethal and I saw perfectly that he were clenching his fangs, his sharp teeth that was the very reason of all this outburst made by Lofos, his piercing fangs it was so white and shiny as a chaste and polished precious stone and its menacing and cutting points it was aiming Lofos Muris´s body, I had sure at that apprehensive moment.

Oh no! he´s about to make his first prey, I cannot let it happen, it will be Mako´s end, as a human being, Spemin and Tonda, I must do anything and quickly, soon each one into this square will realize his attack upon Lofos and father will be as harsh and unforgiving as he never were before.

But it is too late, because when Árnia get up, Kratos Bactus feel that something is very wrong, raise one eyebrow and put his most suspicious and unfriendly face when for a brief moment he turns his stare from Lofos at the front to Mako behind him as tough and trick as a treacherous serpent could be, getting ready for a strike.

-what´s going on with Mako? What is he doing? – asked Kratos, clasping his hands and stretching his head up to see better.

When Lofos Muris realized his comment and began to turn around to face Mako, everything happened as if at slow motion to Árnia, there was no time to think about anything, neither to blink, but even so Árnia thought that it was not too late still.

-Mako!! No, don´t – she shouted and at the same time, were running and getting cross the entire square to get there and help him, not Lofos because the pragmatic virus did it exactly to tease and to incite Mako´s rage, but help Mako himself to step back with it, if he jump upon Lofos right now without second thoughts, Mortuary itself will wait for him.

Besides the teeth, the bright and terrible eyes and the fierce appearance, the beige almost skin color of his skin began to appear, bristle and the hard slayer stayed evident upon his pale, flabby and helpless human tissue, the Spemin aspect it was melting away and giving way to the Tonda aspect and to put a violent and even more menacing look at his teeth, he opened his mouth so that his cutting fangs could show itself with more clearness and accuracy and his intention it was working, you just had to stare at Lofos to see that, the cauliflower-looking virus had his eyes wide open and by his expression, it seemed as if  he were seeing the beast itself and the most bloodthirsty creature of the five worlds, he put both of his hands up above his face as if at the defensive and gave a step back, just alike him, the entire Spemin at the trial were breathing with fear, chatting one to another with despaired and muffled voices, giving OOH and AHH and the same Spemin that shouted earlier “traitor, treacherous serpent” now he were screaming “ I knew this monster it´s a true snake, but no one heard me”.

 Kratos Bactus at length had got up as well and were biding silence with his hand but the scene it was too much impacting to heed anything else, Árnia were still running but she were closer now, closer enough to know that Mako could hear her perfectly if she shouted right now, but he would mind her words and pleas to stop? It would be the Spemin or the Tonda that could hear her? There was something into that animal instinct that could yield to her emotion, her affection, her love and not just the heat of the moment?

She took that chance anyway and screamed with all her strength, desire, vivacity and potential once again just when Mako let out a whispered and terrible sound and were about to fulfill his real treacherous spring.

-Mako!! Please, don´t – Árnia screamed again and to her infinite surprise and sadness, Mako did not heed her, but she did not give up and keep on running, when Mako finally jump upon Lofos, she thought about hold Mako´s body and pull him back so the attack would not happen but actually what happened when she took hold of him, it was totally different, Árnia did not know how or why, neither simply where it came from, but a strength mixed with the power coming from the parasites and a pinch of love made all the difference, instantly when she took hold of him, oddly she could get into Mako´s body exactly as she did every time she took possession of human bodies to change her veils and it was impressive! Because never once no one Spemin could get into another to reproduce, or live or something like that, it was always with the green, gray and brown plasmas and the own human bodies, but Mako isn´t a human being, he´s a mix of a Tonda with a Spemin, how could it to be possible? It has something to do with what Mako said about the reproduction of a Tonda with a Spemin, what it can be? Only love? Magic? A supernatural thing? That´s the connection that I have searched all my life for, a connection with Mako, it will kill me, but will save him at least, I am glad all the same.

Mako´s body began to get agitated, to shake and twist to all around him as if it is preparing to receive Árnia into it, the veil of Árnia, a beautiful cloak of human skin of an eye-catching woman with silky and brown hair had fell down at the ground because to get into another body, a parasite must take it off his old veil and assume his own identity of Spemin.

Each one, Lofos Muris, Kratos Bactus and the entire Spemin gaped at that amazing, surreal and abominable event that had just happened, everyone became mute, motionless and their gaze stocked upon Mako, crazy and anxious to know what it was and what would happen so on,even the gossipy ones became fool, even the boldest one began to tremble with fear, no one completely believed at that, but perhaps they had began to understand that the complexities and secrets of Gray and Mortuary it is even more serious and treacherous than they imagined.

Little by little, Mako turned a Spemin again, his scales hid behind his human tissue, the yellow eyes turned green once again, the piercing teeth became less menacing and more helpless and the violent and enraged look began to soften its traces and stay compassionate, calm, pensive and less dangerous, thirsty for blood, meat or life, the bright of the poison that had lighten and got through all his body and being, from his mouth till his limbs, got dry and vanished up as well, but Mako kept shaking and twisting as if he´s been punched and beaten till the death, of course Mako were not alone, Árnia were with him and it is enough to know that he cannot speak alone, act alone, think alone, the mix and connection that made true really worked but to can deal with this, it is much more complicated and even being true lovers, neither Mako or Árnia know how to do it.

At length, Mako´s contortions and shakes begin to appease and still standing, after stagger and hang a little back and forth, with his glazed eyes at nowhere, the open mouth and the hanged jaw, the confuse and lost appearance, but alive at the same time, Mako´s body finally give some steps back and fall down back, to the shock and even relief of many Spemin.

No one spoke anything for long minutes, each one still looking at Mako at the hope that at any moment he will get up again and begin to walk harshly and fiercely at any one´s direction to try and attack, not just Lofos but each one there. After some more long minutes, nothing happened, Mako kept laid down there, motionless with his glazed eyes, too much weak even to stand due the strong and unpredictable impact that it was the possession of Árnia into his body, actually, neither him or Árnia herself hoped it, no one Spemin never once thought that it could be possible a Spemin get into another, even being a little Tonda too, this union it was a shut up to each ingenuous thought of each ingenuous Spemin.

-is he dead? – asked Lofos Muris next to Kratos Bactus and still feeling the importance of everything that happened there- he is not moving.

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