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Shortly, many other tribes, countless of them come to join together to their neighbors and to display their acknowledges, strength and abilities, at the battle field they can be mortal and enraged one to another, but when making their rituals and placing their states at balance, the friendship and union prosper around their beings and minds, their customs, traditions and ways of life can be different one to another, what can be normal and almost obligatory to one tribe it can be a little strange and unthinkable to other, but one thing where each one of them always will agree it is that it´s better you die at your friend´s hand than at your enemy´s hand because with the former you still have the opportunity to reborn at other times, even that being an insect but you reborn anyway and with the latter you never will reborn again because it is really cursed hands and it wants that you die for ever and ever, then you have no escape and for them, a spirit cannot live again cursed and stained already with the evilness at its essence.

One day, came Margareth´s birthday and to everyone´s surprise, the beautiful princess asked as her gift that her father, family and the whole Remen could to be friends again with the tribes and to finish this thing of excluded hostages of the famous fairy tale world, the sweet girl counted already her twenty years old and knew about the quarrels and indifference of many before the Indians and Africans warriors, she did not like it because she were as fair as her mother the queen and wanted that Remen could to be at peace, a great request but the king Spark never once heard it, he argued he had tried many a time to make agreements with the leaders and chiefs of each tribe but it was in vain, they did not hear and even worse, did not mind with the good actions and predisposition of Spark to construct a new world without that forest to pull them apart, if it never had worked, why it would work now? But Margareth were uncontrollable with her purpose and kept going on with her requests and pleas to the king for many weeks after her birthday but nothing happened, a little frustrated, she shut closed into her bedroom and there remained for some days, refusing to eat or drink anything was served to her, the king thought it was just a girl´s willfulness but her mother the queen Latisa really worried about her daughter and herself always went to serve silver´s trays till her bedroom and force Margareth to eat a little.

Finally a day, Margareth had a plan and realized that if herself make the plea for peace to the tribes and not her father, maybe them could hear and pay attention at her words and the agreement would come faster.

And it was made.

Quickly, Margareth wiped her tears away and got up from her bed to catch at her golden writing desk inlaid with mother-pearls a quill, ink and paper to write her letter to them as soon as possible, obviously as she knew there was countless tribes around that vast and sandy stretching light-years beyond that forest, it would take infinite days and lots of patience to write so many letter to each of them, then she wrote only one thinking that probably they may be united as similar races, besides their dwellings may be near one from another and the news and contents of the letter may spread from one tribe to other at just some few days, then, with this certainty, Margareth began her enterprise forward an unknown end but with some effort and hope, it could work this time and during her growth and development from a simple and sweet girl to a wonderful and even more sweet princess, each inhabitant of Remen always praised her for her abilities at the writing and the handling with the words, saying that she always knew how to write the correct words to the correct addressee, balancing the words of a deft way, from a serious and objective way to a person more hard and contrary to a sweet, delicate and touching way to a person more sensitive and friendly and with this case, talking about the tribes, she knew she had to be kind, but mainly concise and clear because she were about to treat with a serious and delicate matter with them, maybe they can recognize she´s the king´s daughter, but she had to take this chance, on the contrary nothing never would change from now on to Remen, the fairy tale world would be a great pretense with silky dresses, decorated hairs with crystal tiaras and crowns upon their heads, it so shine as their own teeth, the famous and magnificent balls with cordial waltz and the whole royal society making presence, dukes, counts, barons, young and old men, the former attractive and charming, with their blond and bright hairs it so silky and straight that always keep moving back and forth upon their foreheads each time they make a turn of head and their ardent blue or green eyes moving back and forth too, but to try and find the perfect princess to unite with his lonely and diamond-set heart, the latter limping with their inseparable walking sticks and trying to hide their age imperfections with costly velvet clothes and decorations at breech´s shapes it printed on their chests and speaking much more than their own tongues, if they are married, okay, but if not, will spend the whole night dragging through the saloon with the human carpet of the nobility dancing happily with their partners, at the search of the perfect princess too, aye, perfect princess, even the nobility has these things.

When Margareth thought about their reality going against the reality of the tribes living into poor homes, maybe hovels or huts, without any quality, without any wealthy, at a very dry and hot atmosphere with shortage of water and very few clothes to cover them, maybe some live without nothing at their bodies, and it is more sad when you think at the children and old people that´s who more suffer with it; Margareth had to do it, a way or another, of course she had not strength enough to face them but her strength would come from her own way and with her power of persuasion she would win this battle, she must.

Despite Margareth have had into her mind to write just one letter, this letter took some hours to be made anyway because it was a serious matter and had to be treated with all the care possible, any wrong word and then all her chances would be over, she thought some minutes, caught her quill, soaked it into the ink and finally placed the blank paper at her front to begin this following letter...

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