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I will come back; these were his last words, his specter vanished beyond the limits of Gray and the last words really seemed to Árnia the last words.

-his veil fell down, Árnia- said Coco, her veil changer- that false slug is a traitor, he has slayer and blood of serpent, and serpents are treacherous by nature, he doesn´t belong here, forget him.

But Árnia didn´t want to, after all, since she and Mako were procreated together into the impure square and used to tangle, they never once separated one from another, grew up from little embryos of microbes to great slugs and predator parasites. At length, Árnia realized that Mako were not alike others, he were a little different, more sly, sneaky, even faster than the common slugs, sometime or other changed of color and each time he put one veil of human into his face, his gibe´s smile annoyed and irritated his fellow parasites, but Árnia never mind about it, she liked him, even will all his secrets and difference as when he told publicly that he were a son of one Spemin with one Tonda, it explained many things and to Árnia it served only to bring forth more fury, envy and enmity, if Árnia had the choice, she never would reveal that secret to anyone, keep it just to her, but Mako didn´t think so, he really wanted make it public and especially go away forward that world of serpents and evil snakes, to try and find something that he didn´t explained very well, but to him it was very important and meant his past, his life.

That´s not fair, what past does he possibly mean to? Árnia thought, I am his past, I am his life and I may be his future, well, I might, if he had not gone and without know if he really will keep his promise and come back.

If he could have take me with him…

But it´s too late, he´s gone already and everything I can do, it´s to wait for him and hope that he´s safe, at least she found one beautiful and clean veil of human being, so he didn´t need go to Mortuary with the appearance of parasite, as the aspect of snake annoy many Spemin here, the look of slug would not please the damned reptiles, besides it would not give consistence to his claims to be one of them, but there inside, Árnia still wanted that Mako were only one Spemin, he could be, but the scales on his arm it was the proof enough to make the whole Gray believe that he may be one bleak, one mutation, one foreign.

To me he never would be one foreign, on the contrary, I am the only person at the entire Gray that know him perfectly, even better than himself, but when it comes to his secrets, he put me aside and without second thoughts, he leave us, he leave me.

At his last day at Gray, my father, the primordial and first landlord of the microbes and parasites and that has the main right to attack and take possession of the hostages that comes to our world, made one glorious feast as one token of farewell and good-luck to Mako, my father´s name is Kratos Bactus and I am his successor at the proliferation of parasites because I am his only progeny and since that my mother were extinguished, I have to go on with the contamination through the entire gray, I know it´s very important to my father, but even so I would prefer that Mako were here with me to help me with the proliferation, of course we never could to live one inside another, but at least, I would penetrate into one welcoming body and he another, it would fix our establishments and shapes for good and finally my dream to stay with him, would be fulfilled and now that he´s gone, I will have to penetrate and fight with one body, all by myself for my survival, well, alive at least, but sad anyway, sad thinking that he´s at another world, without any protection or mean to survive and hold on but one simple veil of human skin, oh… how long till he begin to perish and stay weak? Okay, he may be a little one snake, but it doesn´t mean that he won´t need of one fix body and not just one veil and simply go ahead hunting and eating prey’s meat as one leech or monster, afterwards he will say he´s a vampire too with those sharp teeth of his…

Oh no!! His sharp teeth, it may mean the fangs of one snake! Teeth created just to mouth and to goad his hunts! How could I simply have forgotten it? Besides his scales that sometime or other appeared at his arms, Mako had those piercing teeth of his that I was scared of, not everyone, but most, Mako always told me that I would not need to be afraid of it,  he never would do nothing to harm anyone, but who know what may happen there? Amidst all those treacherous and sly serpents he could to be tempted to hunt and devour against his will, especially as hostage from here, even saying that he´s one of them too, the devils with tail could demand and make him be completely one of them by force or then worse… they could have killed him and I know nothing!

Yeah, you know, dear, came the voice of Mako into her head, you know many things about me, I cannot reveal to you everything, but you know I am dead already, this is our secret, I may have others, but this is ours, only ours…

And everything because my father accepted him as hostage when Mako volunteered, I should have asked first, even knowing about the chances, even far away from him, with me there, Mako would take off from his mind that mad idea or then another Spemin could go at our steads and we would be here still, together.

Make revenge, said Mako´s voice again to her, I must do it and I will, no matter what.

Revenge… that can be as terrible and corrosive as the most lethal and intoxicating poison of the most evil serpent at Mortuary, Mako´s literally amidst true snakes and I can do nothing to help him, he said he will come back but we all know very well that hostages never come back to their true homes when they are gone, they have to get used to their traditions and customs, way of life, dwelling, shortly, became one of them.

But Mako is one of them already, one forbidden thought got into Árnia´s mind, he´s not just one more Spemin as others, he´s one snake Spemin and probably he even have forgotten you already, got one female serpent, entangled with her and…

-Enough! - I screamed loud and despaired.

-what did you say, Ranny Árnia? – asked Coco, astonished and motionless.

-No, nothing, Coco, forget it, please – I said embarrassed and trying to hide my face – it was just… my confuse thoughts, nothing more.

-No, it was just Mako, that´s what you mean – she said with her backs to me because she were choosing my next veil to the ceremony of my definitive replace of bodies. Coco is my veil changer, here we call the human skins, our veils because it cover our true aspects, shapes and appearance of slugs, microbes and parasites, it help us to survive while we absorb and reproduce into these veils, but just temporarily, because when you are grown up as myself, you have to change definitively your veil for one fix body at your choose that will be your external slayer and welcoming body through your whole life, from that day on, you can only take it off when you are extinguished, namely, when the receiver human body stay stronger than you and remove you away from their bodies, as you stayed to much used with that body and for a long time you could not try and find another body and even if you did, your means of survival would be very weak and vulnerable, then the disappearance or death it´s inevitable. Till now I used already many and different veils of human beings, I used the appearance of one redheaded girl with freckles at her nose, very beautiful and that had one perfect, sweet and in tune voice, I think she were one great singer before she´s chosen as hostage to Gray and I spent a great time into her body, of course she screamed very loud and shrill when it happened, so acute that it almost drove us to madness, but at length we could control her and afterwards I used her voice as mine, if I remember well she were one of my first veils, I said it because I don´t remember accurately, I think I used hundreds of veils, but I remember her because hers it was one of my favorites and Mako always praised me when I spoke, he used to say that I had one angel´s voice, the only thing I did not know to do it was to sing, but he never mind about it.

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