part 10 (shivika)

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In afternoon everyone was setting and laughing and talking with each other but someone was fuming in anger and jealousy, it was non other then our Shivay. And looking at Shivay all obrois were giggling. And they time harsh spok.

Harsh-anu beta, how was your one year. 

Anika looking at obrois. 

Anika- my one year was awesome (in low ton) exapt last 2 weeks. 

Anika and obrois look at each other 

Arnav- ya anu where were u and where were u working whole one year.

Anika suddenly caugh 

Anika- bhai a..a..actually I was working at someone's house as....

Arnav/Ayan/Rohan - as...... Speak up we r listing 

Anika- as p..planner  

Arnav/Ayan/Rohan- what as wedding planner 

Arnav- why u were working as wedding planner 

Ayan-ha anu why, such a cheap job.

Rohan- have u lost it anu 

Anika- relax mere angry birds. I was just working.

Arnav- I am sure they have trouble you for work

Ayan- and why u have to work in someone's house, u can even work in office too,

Rohan-ya they r right.

Anika remend silence 

Pragya- anu u know that until u have your brother and friend u don't have to work 

Harsh-ya pragya is right 

Vikram/Mina- haaa 

Anika- why r u guys over reacting, I am fine (she look at obrois with teary eyes) and they never trouble me.

Obrois were so guilty.

Ayan- ok, anyway don't u think we should do party, it's been long time we haven't done any party. What's say anu.

Arnav- ya he is right we haven't done any party from so long right anu.

Anika- nice idea., but ya it will be family party not youngsters party okay.

Vikram- that's nice idea we should celibate. Celebration of OBROIS, RANAS and MEHARAS. Get together. 

Anika- but I have one condition 


Anika- no media, no reporters, and no business deals just us okay.

All- ok ma'am as u say.  

They smile.

Arnav- okay who will do the decorations

Anika- don't worry, I will do all arregments u guys just come outside in garden tomorrow ok.

Arnav- how much work u will do anu.

Anika- don't worry I will take care of everything.

Obrois were so proud and happy to have bahu like this.

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