Part 49

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Anika- because I have two reasons to not forgive u.1) because u didn't trust me and u think that I can do such a cheap thing for money and 2)because of u I lost my BABY.
All were so shocked.
Anika- yes because of u I lost my baby. That day I wanted to give y surprised by telling u that I WAS PREGNANT. When mr.rana and mr.obroi pushed me out of the house that time i lost my baby by sudden force.
And she cry harder and harder and she was keep saying "I lost my baby".
All were so shocked by this revolution.
Shivay- I lost my child because of me
And saying this he cry harder to and all family cry Anika fell unconscious. All stood their shocking.
I know guys it's way to to toooo short but I don't have time to write longer one my sisters wedding is in one week and I am Dem exited. And even I can't write anything for one week too so plzzzzzzz soryyyyyyyy.

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