Part 24 (shivika's wedding)

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After 2 dayes.
Marriage day
Groom and bride comes to shivay and Anika take pheras Then shivay takes the mangalsutra and dorns it over the neck of Anika. Then they apply sindhoor in Anika's maang. Maangalyam........... Plays............. Pandit says that the marriage is completed. Everyone smiles. And all ranas are so happy and emotional at same time. All 5 brothers are stat of crating but they can't cry.
Bidai time
Evryone get ready to leave.anika packing is also done.its her bidaii.
They all are standing at entrance of palace.
Anika: I will not do bidaii (in upset tone)
Vikram- oye its a ritual.
Anika makes sad face.
Shivay: let it be if she don't wants.
Dadi taps on his cheek and comes to anika.
Dadi: puttar bidaii doesn't mean ur connection with ur family is ended.u r just sharing ur responsibility as daughter to others.
All5- we will mis u anu.
Anika- I'll miss u too bahi.
And they all hug each other and cry. And after some time Anika smiles and does the ritual.she hugs evryone in her family.they all cry but not anika. And then they all leave to Mumbai.
Om in driving seat mahi beside him shivika in back seat with rudra. and others are coming in different car and fro their they start their jrny.
Shivay looks at anikas plain look.
Shivay: anika u can cry if u want.
Anika: why should I cry I won't .I am still ranas daughter before ur wife.
Shivay: OK then don't cry then laugh.
Anika: huh?
Rudra: bhabi ek shayari,
Shivhiomru ho toh obro moment,
Bhabi ko ajane par oberoy moment!!!!
Vahva vahvaaaa
Anika laughs.
Shivhiom hits their own heads.

They reach city.all ladies go fast and brings aarti taali.anika hits kalash makes her hand print and enters in leaving foot prints.
Then they r made to sit.prinku gets a taali with milk and rose petals.they drop ring in it and ask shivika to find it. All boys r in Anika's side and all girls are in shivay's side and rudra recording video of it.
Finally shivay wins and he looks at anika lovingly.anika smiles.
Rudra: what bhabi? U loose it.
Pinky: see now my son will rule.
Om: see anu what u did!!
Mahi- anu u lost the game yar.
Anika: let it be he already he accepted tat he is on my side.(she smirks at shivay)
Its night all r tired so they skipped directly in their rooms.
Shivika also lay down on bed hugging each other.
Shivay: why did u loose ta game intentionally?
Anika: Mr.shivay Singh oberoy don't like loosing na!! Tats why.
Shivay smile and after he smirks.

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