Part 50

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All took Anika to the hospital and all were crying so much. Doctor came out from Anika's room. And all Rem to them.
Shivay- doctor how's ani.
Arnav -is she ok.
Doctors- is she suffering from mascarage.
All nod yes.
Doctors- that's what she is not ok. She is in depression right now.u have to take care of her with love and care. Take care of her. She is physically weak and anaemic. She needs to recover her health. She can get depressed easily now. Protect her. Also, she is not supposed to get pregnant any sooner. Take her on tours with you, keep her happy, do whatever is necessary and don't let her think about the dead foetus.
Shivay-Okay. Can we see her now?Doctor- You can. I don't want to give any drugs to calm her, so don't get her into any depression and if she does, try to calm her down. You can take her home tomorrow.
Shivay- Thank you, doctor.
Doctor-Also, Mr.Obroi Don't let her be alone.
Shivay- I will see to that.
And then doctor left. All enter in Anika's room and saw her sleeping.
And they thought that how this small girl car bars so much pain and after some time shivay lift Anika in his arm because she was still unconscious. And they all went home and shivay made Anika sleep in bad and himself and Arnav slept on sofa. It was midnight when Shivay and Arnav heard noise.and they woke up and they saw that Anika was crying in her sleep, screaming out
Anika- No! Please don't!!! No
She tossed her head about, shouting and calling for her dead baby. It looked like she was struggling. Arnav and Shivay tried to calm her down. Seeing They couldn't calm her so both just hugged her as tight as They could, so that she wouldn't struggle they held her close and whispered that its all right, everything will be fine continuously. It was almost half hour later that she stopped crying. They didn't let go of her. They slept there, with her in their protective arms. And after some time Anika woke up
Anika- What The Hell Are You guys Doing In My Bed.
She shout. And all came to her room
Shivay- u were crying in your sleep so we hade no choice.
Shivay said helplessly.
Anika-Whatever I Do, Is None Of Your Problem! Now, There Is Nothing That Binds Me To You! GET OUT! GET LOST!
Shivay- I Don't Care What Binds You To Me! I LOVE YOU! AND I AM WORRIED ABOUT YOU!
Anika- Worried About Me? Because of you, all because of you, I lost my baby now! All Because Of You! It Is All Your Fault! My Baby Is Dead Because Of You.
She hit her hands on the wall, crying.
Shivay- It was also mine.
Anika- No! It Is Not! It Was Not! I Wanted This Baby! It was all I wanted lastly and you took even that from me! Now I have nothing, nothing at all.
She screamed and cried Anika banged her hands against the wall. She was hurting herself. And all were shocked Then shivay and Arnav rushed to her to pacify her
Anika- Let Go Of Me! At least, let me cry.
Shivay- No. If you want to hurt yourself, then hit me all you want! I am the cause of all this. Hit me.
Anika- It Is All Your and bhai's Fault. Let go of me, Shivay Please, let go of me!
Anika was Pleading and crying crying, she sank down.
Shivay- You need to rest. Please let me take care of you.
And shivay sine all family to go and rest and all went leaving couple alone.

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