Part 44 ( anika's birthday)

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At night everyone was seating in living room and thinking how to convince Anika to forgive them. Anika wasn't their she was in her room doing something on laptop. And hare downstairs everyone was thinking.
Rudra- why don't we give Anika bhabi a chocolates.
Ahil- why don't we sing a song for anu
Ayan - yes why don't we dance for Anu.
All- shut up rudra/ahil/Ayan.
They make puppy faces.
Pragya- ohh no, I remember something very important.
All - what.
Pragy- anu's birthday is coming day after tomorrow.
All faces light up. And they made plan that they will make Anika's birthday special.
Mahi- why don't we give party.
Om/rudra- yes
Ahil- or we can call big celibates and famous people.
Ayan/ayush/arman- yes we can try that.
Arnav/Shivay- noooo
They look at eatchother and smile.
All- why
Arnav- no because Anika don't like pary and all.
Shivay- and she will not comfortable around so many peoples.
All smile looking at them.
Arnav- yaa we should do sma.......
before he could speak ahil cut him.
Ahil- shhhhhh
All- why.
Ahil sign that Anika was coming from upstairs with phone in one hand and empty jug in other hand. She wasn't looking up.
Tej- Anika beta plzz come and seat with us.
Anika ignored it.
Vikram- any plzz stop ignoring us.
Anika agin ignored it.
Shakti- stop beta right their.
But Anika again ignored it.
All were so sad looking at her. And Anika just went upstairs with full jug of water.
All talk little about Anika's birthday plan and went to respective rooms.

Shivika's room
Shivay enter and saw Anika doing something in her laptop and she was on bad. When Shivay came Anika got up and start to move to sofa. But shivay hold her and hugged her from behind. Anika melt in his arms. But Anika gets to senses n pushes him back.she tries to leave from there.shivay lifts her again n takes her to bed from left side.he lays her down while she is resisting,he himself lays down besides her.anika turns right to leave.but shivay turns n hugs her close.  
Shivay- just sleep,its been a long day.u need some rest.  
Anika tries to free herself.but shivay is hugging her close tight,with no option left,she stops resisting.she calms herself but her heart is not is beating so fast with his body touch.his warm breath is passing through her face.shivay hands which r on her hands can clearly sense her fast pulse.he is just enjoying  the phase smiling. Then shivay slide his hand in her crop top and he make patterns in her belly Anika struggle to stop him but shivay just kid in her make and give her love bite then Anika agin push shivay but shivay agin hugged her tightly and then she struggled to skipped into sleep.shivay looking at her loosened his grip,drapes the blanket.he kisses her cheek passionately and kiss her lips lightly sleeps side hugging her tightly.

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