Part 51

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Next morning

All were seating in living room lifelessly and all were crying silently then Anika came from upstairs and all saw her and ran to her. when she was coming down shivay said

Shivay- ani why r u coming down, u need to rest.

But she ignored it.

Arman- anu plzz take a rest.

Ayush- plzz anu u really need rest

But she ignored all of them and now shivay and Arnave got angry so Arnave sign something to shivay and shivay just pick up Anika with jurk. She was shocked and other were giggling.

Anika- mr.obroi plzz put me down how dare u to touch me.

And then shivay walk to his room and put her on bad.

Shivay- don't u dare move from hare. You will see the worst side of me.

Anika- I have see u worst side so many time so I don't care.

Shivay was guilty but he was angry to so her left from their and lock the room.

Living room

Rudra- wow bhai u r so strong.

Ayan- yes shivay u pick u Anu.

Ahil- u pick u that moti

And they giggle and all give them nothing-can-happen-to-u-guys.

Then they decided to asks Anika for forgiveness and this time she have to forgive them by hook or kook. So they made a really amazing plan by help of arshi.

In after noon

Anika was so hungry so she decided to go to kitchen and make something for her self. When she try to open door and guess what door was open and when she went downstairs she saw that whole house was dark and looked like know one was in house. She want to call everyone but couldn't.

And she start to come down and she was walking and suddenly her feet hits the floor of centre round stage. She slowly takes ta step and is now on ta stage.

All lights are on now.she looks around there are beautiful lightings mostly stars n moons decors and her childhood pics her pics with obrois and lot of photos of doing masti with rudra,Ahill and ayan and the stage she is standing is sorrounded by classy cuttons.shivay and Arnav enters from behind ta cuttons.

They comes n stands in front of her and looks into her eyes with guilty.anika sees them without emotions.after 30 seconds pause anika looks away and turns to leave but shivay and Arnav holds her each hand and kneels down on both legs.anika turns to them and they looks at her with pleading eyes.

Arnav/shivay- anu/ani......

Anika tries to take her hand back

Shivay and Arnav holds her hand tightly and says

Shivay- i am sry anika.we know That we hurt u a lot.

Arnav- we didn't trusted u.but plzz forgive us one more time.plzz We are so sorry.....

Anika again tries to take her hand again but shivay and Arnav's grip is so tight. Their eyes are totally wet.anika looks at them.

Anika is sum were guilty too to see them like that.

Anika- why u guys did this with me? Why u didn't trust me

Saying this she fell on ground and cry really hard listing her all come to hall and start to consoles her but she is crying and crying really hard then sometimes after she calm her self and says

Anika- promise me that u will always trust me.

All-pinky promise

And she hug all of them exapt Arnav and shivay

Rudra- bhabi u hugged all of as but not Arnav bhiya and shivay bhaiya

Anika-yes because I didn't forgive them yet.

All were shocked and Arnav,Shivay was rag of crying. And she see them

Anika- ok I can forgive them on some conditions.

Arnav/shivay- ok done

Anika- so I can call u billuji and aru bhi whenever I want., I'll do any thing but u guys not ganna stop me, and I'll do anything with rudra,ayan bhai and Ahill and u will not scold me. And Also can eat street food anytime I want. So if u exapt my conditions then I can forgive u both.

All were giggling and Arnav and shivay was kind a shocked and happy so they both run to her and hugged her really tightly

Anika- aryy I can't breath.

They both leave her

Both- sorry, sorry

And then she hugged both of them after sometime they had chitchat and did dinner and they all went to their rooms.
Sorry guys for late update because it's my sisters reception and then my sister will come home for pagfera rasam I hope u guys understand.
Thank u

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