Part 17

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Tomorrow is shivika's engagement so all older are running around in house and preparing for engagement. And all obroi and rana youngsters r seating in Anika's room and talking. And that time Anika speaks
Anika- guys I am hungry let's eat something
Ahil - yes guys I am hungry too
All- we too
Anika- lets go to kitchen and make something ,what say
All nod and went to kitchen
Anika- so what should we make
Arman- what about palk-pannier
Arnav- what about chole-bature
Rudra/Ayan/Ahil- what about healthy food
All -shut up rudra/ayan/ahil
They make puppy faces and all laugh. All obrois and ranas watch this from outside and they r happy to their children happy.
Then all make aloo-pudi and eat that.
After that all went to their respective work. And at night after dinner they went their room after little chit- chat.
Anika's room
Anika was seating on bad when shivay came and just hugged her tightly.
Anika- shivay what r u doing
Shivay- I am romancing my wife.
Anika- I am not your wife billuji
Shivay just kiss her on her lips
Shivay- now u r my wife.
Anika blush
Anika- shivay, I am so happy we r getting engaged tomorrow and then marriage. I am so happy
She just hug shivay tightly. And he hug her back with same tightness.
Anika- shivay go now someone will see us.
Shivay kiss her with passion and wish her good night. And then he went to his room.
Next morning
Everyone was at dining table and chit-chatting. And after breakfast they went to their room for finishing their work because today afternoon is shivika's engagement.

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