part 11 (shivika)

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In evening 

 Anika was working for tomorrow's party and everyone was setting in hall chit-cheating. And everyone was observing Anika to they how much she is working.

Vikram- how much work will anu do.

Arnav - ya dad she never talk care of herself 

Ayan- after all she is your sister 

Arnav- shut up.

Dadi- is she like that, she always like that.

Vikram- yes maji she is always like that. 

Anika come their 

Anika- bhai everything is done, I just have to do decoration.

Arnav- relax my jasi ki rani 

Anika- bhi stop is, stop calling me that.

Ayan- awwww my cute little kumbkaran.

Anika- bhai.... 

Arnav/Ayan- awwwww 

Anika- stop it ok, let's have dinner, I am so hungry. 

They all have dinner and went to their room to sleep, Anika was in the balkani in her room. And suddenly Shivay came from behind and lock the door. 

Anika- mr.obroi what r u doing hear 

Shivay sneak his hand in her waist.

Anika- what r u doing Shivay, leave me 

Shivay- never, u know what husband and wife always stay same room, they sleep in same bad in same blanket, u know what I mean. 

Anika- Shivay please leave me. 

Shivay lift Anika in bridle style and put her on bad and he sleep next to her 

Anika- Shivay what r u doing, why if someone come.

Shivay- shhhhh, how much will u speak, it was stress full day just sleep. 

Shivay kiss Anika in her cheek and sleep hugging her.


Everyone was setting in the Dinning room exapt Anika she was still sleeping 

Rohan- so still our cute kumbkaran is sleeping 

Ayan- up she is still sleeping 

Pragya- stop it guys, she was working last night so maybe she is tired, let her sleep.

Mina- and ya she is way batter then u two, u guys didn't even help her yesterday she did everything all alone. 

Rohan- maa I asked her for help but she refused.

Ayan- ha maa. 

Pragya/Mina- u guys r impossible 

Anika come from behind 

Anika- good morning 

Arnav-good morning anu, come have breakfast, today is your favorite breakfast.

Anika- Alu- puri???? 


Anika just run to dining table and set between Arnav and Ayan 

Anika- I love u bhai 

Both-we love u to, anu.

Everyone was happy to see brother- sister bond. 

Anika was just ganna put first bite in her mouth but he phone ring, and it was from office. 

Anika- hello 

Call-hello ma'am, I wan to say that mishras r hear for deal 

Anika- ohhh ha I completely forgot about that. U know what tell them to wait, I'll be their in 10 minutes. 

Call- ok ma'am, 

Call end 

Anika- I have to go office, 

Vikram- beta u haven't finish your breakfast yet. 

Anika- relax papa. I will eat something in canteen, bye 

She just stormed out of the house. 

Arnav- this girl, ahhh she never take care of herself., from now I have to be streak on her like before.

Shivay- streak??? 

Arnav- ya, I have to be on top on her, for everything.

(Now Arnav is much batter and he can walk) 

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