part 13 (shivika)

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That night Anika was ling on bad and she was smiling that time Shivay came and he locked the door.

Anika- Shivay what r u doing.

Shivay didn't say anything and he just climbed on her, Anika was shocked by this. 

Anika- Shivay what r u doing,

Shivay- shhhhh

 and he start kissing her neck Anika was shocked by this action and after she liking it then Shivay reach Anika's lips and start to kiss her and Anika was equally responding to him. After some time they brake kiss.

Anika- what was that.

Shivay- u know what I am so happy today ani, everything will be fine, we will be together forever

Anika- I know Shivay, me too I am so happy.

Shivay- but I am angry at you 

Anika- why???

Shivay- because u didn't say those magical words 

Anika blush 

Shivay- Anika u r blushing 

Anika peaks his lips and say 

Anika- I LOVE YOU, Shivay 

Shivay- I LOVE YOU TOO, ani. 

Anika- now go if someone will see us then will tease us so go.

Shivay just kiss her on her lips and went away. 


Everyone was sitting in dining room exapt Anika 

Arnav- again Anika is sleeping until 10:00, it's ok let her sleep maybe she is so tired, she need rest after what ever happened yesterday.

Anika came from behind 

Anika- good morning everyone 

All- good morning anu/ani/Anika/bhabhi 

Ayan- awwww our sweet little kumbkaran was sleeping.

Ayan/Rohan- how cute.

Anika just hit them on their shoulders 

Anika- stop it guys, strop calling me little kumbkaran.

Ayan/Rohan- u r a kumbkaran 

Anika- Arnav bhi


Ayan/Rohan- sorry

Anika- good boys, now tell me what's for the breakfast.

All- your favorite

Anika- really, Alu-puri, I love you guys 

All- we love you too,

Anika just sit on her chair between Arnav and Ayan. She just attach on breakfast.

Everyone was smiling looking at her because after so many days they saw real smile on her face. After breakfast everyone was seating on hall.

Pragya- I think I should call pandit for marriage.what u think 

All nod in yes but 

Anika- noooooooo

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