Part 40

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Next morning
Everyone was sad when shivay spoke.
Shivay- guys why r u sad.
Arnav- shivay what r u saying anu is not even talking to us.
Shivay- relax we have a time and we will make ani our.
All smile and they went down stairs to have breakfast. When they reach their all were their exapt Anika.
Rem- Purvi, Arjun where is Anika.
Purvi- actually dad she don't want to do breakfast so she she in hall.
Rem- this girl will never understand.
Obrois and ranas feel bad because of them Anika is not doing breakfast.
After breakfast everyone went to their room. And shivay sourcing Anika. And he found her in her room doing some file work. Shivay went to kitchen and made aloo-pudi for her.
After sometime shivay enter the in room and he locked the room. Anika was shocked to see shivay.
Anika- Mr.Obroi what r u doing hare.
Shivay- ani u didn't have your breakfast so I thought to make your favorite breakfast.
Anika- I don't want breakfast from your hand ok so plzz gat out of hare.
Shivay- I hate me that much.
Anika- haaaa
Shivay- but I love you and anyway have breakfast.
Anika- I don't want to have breakfast from your hand.
Shivay - okk then.
Shivay locked Anika's hand with handcuffs because he know that she will not have breakfast without showing tadi. So he handcuffed her on bad sides.
Anika- what r u doing mr.obroi just leave me.
Shivay- shhhh Anika u told me that u don't want to have breakfast with my hand right. So hare.
Shivay put one bite in his mouth and kissed her and transformed food to her mouth. Anika was shocked with this and shivay winked at her.
Shivay- did u like it. How was it.
Anika couldn't say anything but star at him. And finally she spoke
Anika- how dare u to kiss me mr.o.....
before she could complete shivay again kissed her and this time he was little hard on her. Her lips were bleeding so shivay cares her lips with his tongue. And after some time they broke the kiss.
Shivay- how was it Mrs.Obroi.
Anika just looked aside. Shivay smile looking at her blushing. And he continued feeding breakfast until it was done.
Shivay- ani look u did it. U r done with breakfast.
Aniak- and u am even done with u too. So please get out from hare.
Shivay sadly went out of the room and that day all were busy doing their work.
Finally the day has arrived
(Sorry guys but I am not going to describe party. It was royal party and all were their but Anika kept avoiding Obrois and Ranas.)
Everyone was tired after that day so they just went to sleep.

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