Part 41

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Next morning
Everyone was having breakfast and after breakfast everyone went to their rooms. Ranas and obrois met in dadis room to discuss something and that time someone knocked the door.
Shakti- who could be hare at this time.
Vikram- don't know. Ahil plzz can u open the door.
Ahil open the door and it was Anika.
Everyone was so happy to see Anika but Anika had plain face.
Anika- I want to talk to u Mr. Shivay Sing Obroi.
Shivay- haa ani what.
He was so happy
Anika- u r so proud to my husband right.
Shivay nod happily
Anika- but i am sorry I don't. So I want DIVORCE from u.
All got biggest shocked of their life.
Anika- Mr.shah plzz come in. He is my lawyer and mr. Shah that's my....
She couldn't complete her sentence.
Mr. Shah- okk so u want divorce right.
Anika nod
M.s- and mr.shivay what about u.
Shivay was still shock he couldn't speak anything and Mr.shah understood that their is something family matter so he thinks to give chance to that marriage.
M.s -I think that u guys just got married right so u can't get divorced and if u want divorce then u have to sty together for 6 months. And it's a law.
All were happy to know that Anika will stay with them. But Anika was shocked.
Anika- r u serious Mr. Shah. No I want divorce right now. No matter what.
M.s- I am sorry mrs.anika it's a law u have to sty with them for 6 months.
Anika was so angry and she said.
Anika- ok fine I'll stay with them but after 6 months I will definitely give u divorce Mr.shivay sing obroi.
She didn't know that Rem was right behind her and he was listening to all this. When Anika turn she was shocked to see Rem their.
Rem- so Anika finally u gave one chance to your marriage.
Anika's- I am sorry uncle. I didn't mean to hurt u but.....
before she spoke Rem hugged her and say all the best. Mr.shah and Rem leave from their and only Anika was their with them. 
Shivay- so Mrs. obroi will stay with her husband and with her family now owwww so cute.
Arnav- anu be ready today at 8:00pm we r leaving. Ok our cut kumbkaram.
And all laugh but Anika was so angry so she stamp her foot and walk away from their.
Night 7:00pm
Anika was gating ready and Rem, purvi and Arjun were helping her.
Anika- thank u so much guy. I don't know what will happen to my if u guys weren't their to support me.
And all had little emotions talk and they leave. In main hall of ROYAL RESTAURANT all obrois, rana, Rem, Arjun and Purvi was their.
Purvi- where is anu. Why is she taking so much time.
And that time Anika came from behind wearing crop top and jins. Shivay was literally drooling over Anika but mahi push him little. And they all giggle seeing shivay.
Anika bid bye to them and went outside of the restaurant. She saw big one bus and one car. So she was about to go on bus but our rudra, Ayan and ahil atop her.
Rudra- bhabi u r not coming with us in bus.
Ayan- Yea any u r going in that car.
Ahil- yes with your sweet husband.
Anika- I am not going in that car. I am coming in this bus.
Before she spoke further shivay came from behind and lift her and went near car.
Anika- Mrs.obroi how dare to touch me.
Shivay- ani i  not touching any other girl I am just touching my wife.
And then shivay made jar seat in passenger seat and he set on driving set. Before Anika can open the door shivay put the child lock and smirk.
Anika was so angry buy his act so she just turn her face to window side. And shivay smile looking at her wife.

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