Part 32

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Anika was working in her laptop and that time purvi's dad Rem came their.
Rem- can u come in beta.
Anika- uncle, plzz come seat na. And how r u. Amd how's your health going. R u taking medicines in time.
Rem- ohh jasi just rani relex. I am fine and I am taking my medicines on time.
Anika- uncle do u need any thing may I help you.
Rem- yes just u can help me.  Actually I want to throw big party for celebration of 50th anniversary of ROYAL RESTAURANT. And I want u to do everything because u r the best in decorating and doing everything.
Anika- wow uncle that's best idea. And don't worry I will handle everything and I will do everything. U just sit their and order me. And wen is the party
Rem- actually it's after 1 week. I know it's sort noticed party that's why I want u to do everything if u don't mind. Plzz.
Anika- uncle u don't have to say plzz. U just order me and yes I will handle everything
Ram-ok beta so I'll send u all guests list and all phone numbers that u need.
Anika- uncle if u don't mind can u send gust list to purvi so she will invite guests and I will do all arrangements.
Ram- ok so I'll send guest list to her ok she will send cards tomorrow.
Anika- and I will start my preparation today.
Ram leav fro their.

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